Page 83 of If By Chance

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“Claire?” he repeats through gritted teeth, seeking a more educated reply than my gaping mouth.

He’s about to go Hulk in my office, isn’t he?

I lick my dry tongue over my lips, desperate for an out or time to explain this. I don’t need two men berating me this evening.

“I was going to tell you when I left here. Rob called by her house this morning.” Sam interrupts our staring contest, and my mouth falls open again, sucking in all the oxygen in the office.

Why did he have to go and do that?

Jake is silent, but there’s a storm brewing. His murderous glare snaps back to me, and his anger vibrates, bouncing against the walls until it consumes the air around us.

“Did he hurt you?”

Frantically shaking my head, I hold out my arms like I have physical evidence. “No. He didn’t hurt me. I didn’t even see him.”

“He left Hannah’s bear in a box, and a not-so-subtle letter,” Sam explains.

I’m going to kill him.

And it’s a bunny.

Jake straightens his tie, pulls at his sleeves, then balls his hand into tight fists.

I don’t know what to do. The weight of his stare is making me uncomfortable and oddly heated all at once.

To distract us both, I pick up my handbag from the floor and stuff my belongings inside. I need to get out of the way of his warpath. Sam landed us in this when he opened his big mouth. He can deal with Jake’s tantrum.

I try to smile, but it falters before I say, “It’s fine. Really.”

“Fine?” he booms, and I think that vein is definitely going to rupture. He scrubs a frustrated hand over his face, stepping forward and taking what looks like a calming breath. It doesn’t work. His shoulders square, and his knuckles turn white at his sides.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

Because I knew you’d act like this.

I don’t say that and gesture toward Sam. “I told him. That’s the policy. Besides, I’m sure it’s nothing.”

He grinds his teeth but averts his deathly stare to Sam.

Thank the heavens.

He was making me anxious.

“Sam.” I’ve never heard someone’s name spoken as such an icy warning.

Poor Sam.

“Calm down. I’m looking into it, but I think it’s best if Claire stays somewhere else. A few weeks at most.”

The blood drains from my body and pools at my feet.

“Weeks?” I screech. “Jake said it himself. Nobody wants to prosecute him. What if it takes longer?”

“It won’t. They should grant a warrant for his arrest.” That means nothing. “The captain appears to be taking it more seriously now that you’re involved.”

“Fuck him. He should have taken it seriously the first time, and the time after that. I’m not the one with bruises.”

They don’t disagree.
