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Unknown:Don't believe everything Priscilla says. She has her own agenda.

The group chat pinged then, too. Ziggy gave a half-hearted cry-giggle and quietened when I bounced him.

Forest:Did the rest of you get that message?




Sylvester:What do we reckon? Apollo trying to keep things exciting for us?

Forest:I mean, most likely, yeah

Winston:He's gotta be so bored right now

Jude:I do sometimes wonder where he's gone…

I locked my phone and slipped it back into my pocket. It didn't matter to me where Apollo was right now: he was gone, and I was here with my beautiful wife and gorgeous son.

Things were perfect. And if there were challenges in my future, I was more equipped to deal with them than ever, with my little family at my side. And my bigger, extended family: the Brock brothers and their wives and kids, my brother Felix, my bandmates - and lead guitarist Reed's future child with Felix, since they were already talking adoption.

I'd never be short of support. Little Ziggy had so many people who cared deeply about him, his protectors.

Whether he was a musical prodigy or not, Luna and I loved him more than anything.
