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It was in that moment, seeing the gentle tenderness with which Zak held our newborns, that he understood. He realized Zak was the ideal person to share my life with, our children's lives with. He told us as much and that day gave Zak and I his blessing. Tearing up as he apologized for not accepting us sooner. We assured him it was alright and that we hadn’t expected or planned this, it all just sort of happened.

And then the day they spent together, arguing about the names, bickering like old pals. Although their views diverged wildly, their laughter, the sparkle in their eyes, their joint excitement bonded them, not only as relatives but as friends, as equals.

The sun begins to set, pulling me out of my thoughts. I look around our beautiful house, the rhythmic clatter of Zak playing with our children in the background. I know my life, our life together, is indeed a masterpiece.

The golden light of the setting sun illuminates the house that served as the safe haven for both of our individual and collective aspirations. The house that Zak and I, who were once strangers but are now lovers and partners, had painstakingly remodeled.

Life has a peculiar way of circling back around on itself.

I am surrounded by the constant peals of toddler laughter as I watch our three beautiful miracles - our charming son and two ethereal daughters - splash around in the shallow waters. Zak chuckles as he stands next to me and keeps a watchful eye over our family while his arm is lightly resting on my shoulders.

“Izzie, who would have believed that?” He speaks to me in a hushed tone, a gleam of delight visible in his eyes. "From beachfront cottages to penthouses atop skyscrapers. From champagne cocktails to bottles for newborn babies."

His hearty chuckle is contagious, and it makes me immediately start laughing as well. I joke that he has gone from being a confirmed bachelor to an infatuated father of three children.

He takes pleasure in being a father each and every day of his life. Every glance we exchange, every stolen kiss, and every new memory we make together fill my heart with a joy that I had never imagined was possible.

"Mamii!" Sand is clinging to their chubby little feet as they come running up to me, my little darlings. "We haven't eaten!"

I laugh, getting up to fetch a picnic basket we'd packed. "Alright, my little munchkins, what would you like today?"

I spend the next part of the afternoon running around after them, feeding them, drying them off, changing their beachwear, ensuring they took their respective afternoon naps. In the midst of all this, I haven't realized how much time has passed, or where Zak has disappeared to.

Just as I finally manage to get the kids settled, my phone buzzes, Zak's name flashing up. A little surprised, I answer. "Yes, love?"

"Izzie, can you come up to the moon room? Now?"

There is an urgency in his tone that I can't understand. Concerned, I hurry up to the moon room we've often used for our shared passion for painting.

The room is bathed in a soft glow, a hundred candles flickering in the evening's embrace. And there he is, Zak, in the middle of it all, on one knee.

Shock is an understatement, the breath stolen from my lungs as he looks up, his eyes brighter than all the candles combined.

"Izzie," he begins, his voice steady yet full of love. "You've given me a family, a home, and most importantly, you've given me your heart. I should've done this a long time ago - will you marry me?"

In that moment, under the soft hues of an evening sky and a room lit with candles, against the canvas of our love, life, and family, I can't help but smile. Two summers ago, we'd shattered amidst the pain of heartbreak, and now, there is a promise of a future that looks nothing short of magical.

"Yes Zak, I will."

And as Zak slips the ring onto my finger, our laughter echoes through the moon room, and out into the bay, the story of our love etched into the sands of time. Our masterpiece is finally complete.
