Page 138 of Dreams of Magic

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She briefly wondered if she looked that pale too, or if it was just the lighting. Or lack thereof.

“Marshall.” He didn’t seem like he was awake.

When she said his name, his head rolled back on his shoulders, so it was leaning against his raised arms and he opened his eyes to look at her, “Hey sis.”

“Hey.” She breathed a small sigh of relief, “Are you okay?”

“Been better.”

She rolled her eyes at his lame attempt to make a joke, “Do you know what happened? All I remember is standing in the clearing. Andre was being an ass, and then suddenly everything went black.”

Marshall nodded, “Same. That fucker did something to us. I tried reaching Aiden or Dad or any of the pack, but it’s like there’s a block. I can’t get through.”

Kenzie closed her eyes for a second so she could focus and tried to reach out to Aiden. There was a slight buzzing sound in her head, but that was all. She licked her dry lips, trying to get any moisture. Her throat was so dry it felt like sandpaper.

She shook her head, “Nothing, just buzzing.”

“Shit.” Marshall’s chains rattled as he tried to pull them from the wall, “They will find us.”

She jerked as a loud clanking sound rattled through the room and the door opened.

She watched as Andre strutted into the room with a woman in a hooded dress, trailing silently behind him.

“Good, you’re awake. We can get started then.”

Marshall’s chains clanked again as he tried to stand, but there were also chains around his ankles, holding him in place.

She gulped, afraid to ask but needing to know, “Get started with what?”

He stared at her for a moment, then started laying out tools on a metal table she hadn’t noticed before. “I am going to convince you to give us your powers. Or I am going to rip them out of you. Either way, it is going to hurt.”

“Why are you doing this?” she asked as Marshall tried to pull harder on his chains.

Andre grinned, “That is none of your concern at the moment.”

Kenzie looked at her brother only to see him staring back at her. He looked so sad. She hated seeing that look on his face. She hated that they hadn’t had more time.

But she was glad that his face would be the last thing she saw.

“I am so sorry Marshall. I love you so much.”She didn’t want to say it out loud, even though she knew he wouldn’t hear her.

Marshalls eyes widened,“Kenzie, can you hear me?”

She gasped, then quickly checked to see if Andre noticed but he was too busy setting up his torture devices.

She focused on her brothers face again,“Yes, I can hear you.”

He smiled slightly before wiping all emotion from his face,“They can’t completely block us. Either our magic is too strong, or Raven’s bracelet is doing its job. Either way, we are not completely helpless.”

“So, maybe we can get out of this?”

“We are damn well going to try. And Kenzie, I love you too.”
