Page 71 of Dreams of Magic

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He watched Sorcha lunge toward Cassie, who normally would have darted to the side to avoid being bitten. But with the alcohol in her system, she didn’t move fast enough, and Sorcha’s teeth snapped onto her shoulder.

Sorcha immediately jumped back, surprised by what she had done. Then she promptly threw up on the ground. Aiden rushed over to Cassie to check out the damage, avoiding the puddle of vomit.

Cassie headbutted him as he approached her,“I’m fine Aiden. Don’t be a worry wort. She barely nipped me.”

He got close so he could examine the wound for himself. It was a bit more than a nip, but it wasn’t too bad.

Something brushed through his fur, giving him shivers, and he knew it was Kenzie’s hand. She’d shifted back and was now kneeling in front of his sister.

Aiden watched as she ran her fingers through the fur of Cassie’s neck and gently nudged her to turn, “Let me see Cass. I can heal you.”

She shook her head and tried to step away then mind linked them both,“You’re tired Kenzie. I’ll heal quickly without it.”

Kenzie ignored her. He watched her step closer to his sister again.

“Let her do it Cassie. I think she needs to do it.”Cassie was still trying to pull away, but then she stopped squirming and nodded at him, then she sat on her haunches to allow Kenzie to touch her.

There wasn’t actually anything to see on the outside, but he watched as Cassie’s shoulder slowly knit itself together again. He heard a gasp and looked over to see Sorcha watching along with everyone else.

When Kenzie finished, she sat back on her heels, clearly exhausted. Cassie licked her face, making her laugh and she wrapped her arms around the brown and red wolf for a quick hug. Then she stood on wobbling legs.

He stepped closer to her, almost looking her in the eye, even on four legs. Their wolves were much bigger than regular wolves, but she was also just very short.

He nudged her with his nose,“Climb on my back sweetheart.”

It proved how tired she really was when she didn’t object at all. He laid down on his belly so she could get on, then they all headed for the house. The others had started to calm down now too, walking rather than running back. Marshall led the way, following the quickest trail.

When they got back to the house everyone shifted and got dressed quickly, then said their goodbyes with lots of hugs and finally, headed off to their own homes.

That left just Marshall, William, Kenzie, and Aiden standing in the yard.

William cleared his throat and started to head into the house, “Well, I think I’m going to head off to bed. Leave you kids to enjoy your night. We’ll talk more in the morning.”

Marshall pointed toward the house where William disappeared into, “What he said. Ya’ll have a good night.”

Once the door closed behind Marshall, Aiden turned back to Kenzie, who was silently watching him. Her eyes slowly raking up his body. When their eyes finally met, the look she gave him was anything but innocent.

She looked hungry, but not for food.

He reached out and gripped her waist, pulling her toward him. She came willingly, eagerly. He could see in her eyes that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. Aiden studied her for another moment, her eyes looked clear, no longer drunk. Thankfully, werewolves’ metabolisms were extremely fast, so alcohol never lasted long.

As he pulled her closer, she grabbed the front of his shirt and jerked him toward her. Apparently, she wasn’t in the mood for gentle. He lowered his head slowly, holding her eyes, watching for her reaction. She didn’t hesitate as she stood on her toes and slid her arms over his shoulders to wrap around his neck and pull him down to her.

When their lips met, it was like an explosion of heat and need. It felt like he had been waiting his whole life for her.

He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tight against his chest so there was no space between their bodies. She felt perfect. He kept one arm around her waist to keep her tight as he slid the other into her hair, using it to gently tilt her head where he wanted it.

He deepened the kiss, nipping gently at her lip so she would open for him.

The kiss was not gentle. It was rough and filled with all the tension they’d been holding in. Kenzie let out a soft moan and rubbed herself against him like a cat, trying to get closer. He felt himself harden and knew she felt it too when she moaned again.

He didn’t want to stop the kiss,“Come to bed with me Kenz.”

She didn’t reply verbally, just nodded slightly as she continued to kiss him.

“Wrap your legs around me.”

He grabbed the back of her thighs to lift her, and with a little hop, she firmly wrapped her legs around his waist. Then he turned and carried her into the house and up toward his room. He knew the house so well that he only bumped into the wall once while carrying her, their lips still locked together.
