Page 7 of Love Again

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Practice was going great. All the boys have shown great improvement. I was feeling happy, excited even for our second game, hoping it would go better than the first. That was until I seen Regina stalking by the bleachers. I looked over at Chloe praying she did not see her egg donor. She is laid on a blanket with Jade and Jepp reading thank God. Laramie and Brandi are still deep in conversation. I tell Ryan I need to use the restroom. Rushing over to her I grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to the Pavilion. She lets out an annoyed sigh.Back at you Regina. I let go and stand a few feet from her. Not needing someone to walk by and start rumors about me that get back to Laramie. "What are you doing here Regina?" My voice booms more loudly than intended. She looks down at her feet and plays with hands. She's wearing a clean sweatsuit; her blonde hair is brushed out- looking at her she seems clean... I'm a little shocked. She looks back at me. "I-" she steps closer. "I miss you guys." She whispers. Before I can respond I feel her press herself against me, her lips land on mine. For a moment I'm taken back at what she's doing. Then my thoughts quickly move to Laramie. I push her off me and step back. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I yell. She looks scared of me. Not what I was trying to do, but what the fuck? "Maverick, please. I want my family back." She whines. Psh. Family. We were never family to her. She could of gave a shit less about Chloe all her life. "It’s too fucking late for that Regina. You signed over your rights. Chloe and I have moved on." I reply. I go to walk away from her. "I will get a lawyer Maverick. I will get Chloe back." Knowing damn well she has no money for a lawyer or that the courts would ever see her as a fit parent. I walk over to her and tower over her. "Good luck, now get the fuck out of here." I snarl at her. Harsh? Maybe. She's not going to come threaten to take MY daughter away from me. Not happening.

Heading back over to the field I glance at Chloe she is still on the blanket with the kids, sneaking a glance at Laramie she is still seated with Brandi. Laughing about something. My god.She's everything.I know I will have to tell her about Regina coming here. How the fuck did she find me? Not important. However, I will need to call my lawyer and see if he can help me in case, she thinks she has a case against me.

I stand next to Ryan he has his arms folded watching Jax and Aaron our senior pitcher. "Jax is taking to him. He may be as good as Aaron, if not better." Ryan tells me. I nod in agreement. Watching the pair talk and practice their form. "Laramie went looking for you, she walked back and looked upset. Wanna tell me what you did." He says it coldly. I let out a frustrated sigh. Knowing exactly where this is going. "My ex showed up. I'm sure she saw." Ryan whistles. "Well, you better fix it." He tells me pointing a finger in my chest. If he wasn't good friends with Laramie, I'd punch him. He's right. I do need to fix it. I take my hat off and run my hand through my hair. Fuck.

I make my way to where Chloe, Laramie and the kids are. Jax took off per usual before I could even tell him what a good job he did. Laramie is holding Jepp while he tells her all about what Chloe read to them. She listens and smiles at him. Though, it doesn't reach her eyes. I drop a kiss to Chloes head, she groans, and I chuckle. "Hey, can we talk?" I ask Laramie. Her eyes widen at my words, but she quickly composes herself. "I don't think there's anything to talk about. And I have to get the kids home for a nap." She turns and hugs Chloe. "Come on kiddos. Thank you so much Chloe." Her voice cracks. "Goodbye Maverick." She whispers rushing to her car. Chloe arches her eyebrow at me and nods her head towards Laramie. I take the hint and run over to her. "Wait, Laramie. Please." She stops and tells Jade and Jepp to keep going. "Maverick, I'm not doing this right now. Okay?" She whisper shouts. Looking as if she could cry at any moment. “Please, it wasn't what it looked like." I immediately regretted the words. Because usually when people say that it's exactly what it looked like. She gives me a sad smile and shakes her head. "I can't do this Maverick. I may not have a lot of experience with relationships, but I'm pretty sure kissing another woman while you're seeing someone, is a big no no." She turns on her heel. Walking away from me.Walking away from us. I can't let this be the end. Regina has ruined every good thing in my life. I'm not letting her take Laramie away from me too.

Chapter 21


Heartbreak. How is it that your heart can feel different pain? When Alan died, I felt like my chest was constantly squeezing itself, I could not stop crying and everything felt numb. Seeing Maverick kissing another woman put my heart in my stomach. I feel like I'm going to throw up constantly. I haven't cried though. I've never been cheated on. You'd think I'd be a blubbering mess. But I'm not. I'm embarrassed, hurt and most of allpissed.How could I think I could move on with someone new? My son’s baseball coach of all people. I wrap myself in my blankets and groan. "Aghhhhh!" I scream into my pillow. I hear a knock at my door, then it opens. "Mom?" I hear Jax say quietly. I pop my head through the blankets. "Hey buddy." I say trying to school my expression. It's been two days since I've seen Maverick and I've avoided him at all costs. He tried talking to me today, but I was quick to ignore him and sprint to my car.

I've ignored all his calls and texts there is nothing to say. It's best to just leave it alone. I sit up with the blanket still wrapped around me. I hold out my arm, urging Jax to come into my little cocoon. He sighs and takes a seat next to me. Gosh he is so much bigger than I am. But I wrap him up anyway. He lays his head on my lap and I play with his shaggy hair. Thank goodness his hair cut is this week before Prom. Looking down. I see so much of Alan in him. I smile. "Can you tell me one of your favorite memories of dad?" He asks me in almost a broken whisper. I smile. Still running my fingers through his hair. "Well, I used to do this all the time. He'd be so worked up about baseball. Like you get. We would sit in his room or mine and he would tell me all about how awful Coach Morris was." I laugh thinking of the old geezer. Thankfully he is retired now. That's why Maverick showed up here.Damn it."Another though was our wedding day. I was pregnant with you guys. Your dad snuck through the church window and saw me in my dress. I was so mad!" I laugh. Jax huffs out a small laugh and asks, "Because it's bad luck, right?" I sigh. I suppose it was cause’ I did not get nearly enough time with him. "Well, that too. I was mad because I was seven months pregnant andhuge.Mom didn't feel pretty. But your dad made me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. The way he looked at me..." I stop mid-sentence, recalling the way he looked at me. His mouth parted in awe. No one had ever looked at me that way, not the way that Alan did, I thought for sure I would never have that again. Until Maverick came along. I shake my head and rid the thought of him. "We were kissing, and your grandma walked in. She swatted his behind and grabbed him by the ear, dragging him out." We both laugh. Reminiscing on my mom brings pain to my chest. My father died of cancer two days after our wedding that's why we had it so quickly. My dad's health was deteriorating, I so badly wanted him to see me get married and walk me down the aisle. Mom passed a couple years after the twins were born. A heart attack they said. But now that I know heartbreak. I'm sure that's what it was from... "Your dad, God. He was funny. He was kind and caring. Very good at baseball. He got a scholarship, but he wanted to serve our small town. So, he turned it down." Jax looks up at me with his blue eyes shining like his daddy's. "Do you miss him?" Jax asks. I can see the tears in his eyes which causes mine to water as well. "I do. Every day you guys do things and I wish he was here to see them." I wipe his eyes and kiss his forehead. "He would be so proud of you." I whisper. Jax sniffles but composes himself. Never wanting to seem weak. Even in front of his momma. "I think he would like Maverick." He says taking me by surprise. I casually shrug. "Yeah, maybe he would have."

"He’s a good coach too." I nod.

"I think he loves you." He says quietly. My eyes widen as I look down at him. I laugh a little and shake my head. "No, he does not." Jax moves from my arms sitting up he grabs my hands in his. "He looks at you like he loves you..." Of course, I've seen the way he looks at me. A part of me feels like I may love him too. No, IknowI love him.

Well until I seen him with that woman. I shake my head. "He doesn't love me honey..." I sigh still holding Jax’s hands in mine. "His ex-showed up and kissed him. He pushed her away and told her never to come back." Jax says nonchalant. My eyes widen with shock at how he knows about this information. However, I shouldn't be surprised. Living in a small town, no secret is your own. "And he is downstairs waiting for you." He says with a slick grin. "What?!" I squeak out. Jax laughs and stands from

the bed. I grab the covers and put them back over my head. Jax is quick to grab them off. "Go talk to him mom..." he says on a sigh. Like I'm the problem here! I shake my head. I've been in this bed since school ended three hours ago. Brandi took the kids for me so I could collect myself. Well. I amnotdoing a good job of that. "Mom come on. I haven't seen you this sad since dad. And as annoying as it was at first. I think you and Maverick are good for each other. The kids love him and Chloe. We can't take that away from them. And I know you love him too..." his voice is soft his eyes still a little red with tears. I jump from the bed and wrap my arms around Jax, we're both crying again. "I'm so sorry Jax. I tried not to." I whisper. His arms around me, he pulls back. "Mom, I can't tell you not to fall in love again. I was wrong not be okay with it." He tells me. I shake my head no. "You weren't honey. You had every right to feel what you felt…"

"Well, you have every right to feel how you do about Maverick. And maybe you were right." He kisses my forehead. Something he has never done. "Maybe dad did send him to us." he squeezes me tighter. My first son is becoming a man. "Okay. Get yourself together woman. He is waiting." Jax says with a laugh. With that he walks out the door. I rush to the bathroom to clean myself up. Did Jax set this up? Could he see how bad not talking to Maverick has affected me? I wipe the mascara from under my eyes. Throw my hair up, brush my teeth and call it good. Forget the oversized shirt and sweats. If he wants me, he will need to want every part of me.

Chapter 22


When Jax cornered me in my office today, I knew I had to tell him the truth about what happened. Of all the crazy rumors that have spread the craziest one of them all is that I was getting a "blowy" in the bathroom when Laramie came in. Jesus Christ. That had to come from a teenager. Well hopefully. Even so. Jax came in asking what the hell I did to his mom. Being the overprotective son that he is. That I've come tolove. Just like his mom and siblings.

Now here I am sitting in Laramie’s living room. Waiting for her. Praying Jax convinced her to come talk to me. I hear fast footsteps from the stairs. Jax comes rushing to the living area. Out of breath he says "Okay, she's coming down. If you don't fix this. I'm quitting the team." He threatens me. I internally laugh, because he would be hurting himself more than me. But I nod my head frantically wanting in his good graces. "I'm heading out to hang out with Gracie, Juliet is with Chloe at the library. Jade and Jepp are with Brandi." Jax tells me grabbing his keys. "She’s expecting your text when it's safe to return." He says with a wink.Afucking wink. I will need to talk to Laramie about protection, because Jax was certainly insinuating something. I stand there stunned as he leaves. Less than a minute later, Laramie walks down the stairs, wearing sweats, and an oversized t-shirt. I can see she is sans bra, fuck. I reach her face. Makeup free, a little bit of puffy eyes. Her hair is in a knot on her head. I feel guilty for making her feel this way. For making her cry. She walks into the kitchen, taking a seat on the barstool.

"Is Jax sexually active?" For some reason the words are out of my mouth before I could stop them... Laramie’s eyes bulge out of her head. "Fuck. I don't know." She sighs. I stand next to her. "We will circle back to that. I just need to talk to you please." Voice defeated I'm pleading for her to let me talk. She nods. "Regina came to the park that day, saying she missed me. I know you seen her kiss me. I pushed her from me right away, I told her to leave. She said she was going to get a lawyer to take Chloe. She seemed clean but then again. I don't know." I shake my head. Laramie is staring at the cabinets trying to school her features, but I can see the flush on her cheeks. I gently grab her chin and turn her to look at me. "I don't want Regina, I don't love Regina, fuck, I never did. I am sorry. I am sorry she showed up and I'm sorry I allowed her to even get close enough to kiss me. I'm sorry I didn't react quicker and talk to you right away about it." I cup her cheek. Playing with the tendrils of hair behind her neck. She closes her eyes and presses her cheek further into my hand. "She’s not going to take Chloe." She whispers. I chuckle. "That was your takeaway in from my whole speech?" She stands from the barstool. Looking up at me her beautiful green eyes. "Promise me I can trust you, Maverick? Promise me that what I feel for you isn't a one-sided thing." She begs me. I grab her around her legs causing her to yelp I lift her; she instinctively wraps her legs around me. "Laramie Marie Jones. Iloveyou. I didn't think love was in the cards for me, until you. I knew the moment I seen you baby. I love those kids of yours. I want a family with you Laramie. I am so sorry I hurt you." I whisper as she places her forehead against mine. "I love you too Maverick." She presses her lips against mine and it feels like I amhome.A place I don't think I would have found until Laramie.


Four months later


Oh? Oh, oh god. I whimper quietly picking up the covers I see Maverick between my legs. He kisses my clit. "Good morning baby." His deep voice whispers against my slit.Hell. I moan again as he swipes his tongue back and forth my clit. Yes. Indeed. Itisa good morning. He quickly works my pussy causing me to come. "Maverick!" I whine out. He stops and jostles on the bed. Maverick pushes his hard cock into me without hesitation. His big arms cradle me while he keeps pushing into me. I raise my hips meeting his thrust. "Fuck. I love you so much." He kisses me hard and passionately. I feel myself come undone just as he does. This sex we have, is so intense and passionate yet sometimes dirty. I love it.

We decided to move in together a couple of months ago. Buying a huge farmhouse. He was only renting his house. So now it's Katy’s and I felt wrong bringing him into my home. I've always had my eye on this farmhouse on the skirts of Tabor. A six bedroom with a wraparound porch. We're all adjusting to living together but I'd say it's going great, none of the kids have strangled one another yet so that's a plus. Maverick presses against me. I groan wiggling underneath him. "I love you, but you weigh a ton, and we need to get ready." I tell him trying to push him off. The championship game is today. Maverick and Jax have been in a frenzy of panic throughout the week. "We got this baby." He chuckles and kisses me like a maniac again.


Were down by two. In the bottom of the ninth. With two outs. If we don't score at least two we lose to Des Moines. Jax is up to bat next all of us holler for him. "Come on baby!" I clap. Aaron is at second base. Him and Jax are fast enough that Jax just needs to hit a double and we can possibly score. Luke is on first base so our chances may be high. Jax swings and missesstrike

one. He swings again but hits the ball foul.Strike two. Come on baby.Less than a minute later Jax hits a fastball it soars in the sky passing right field. It keeps flying until it’s out of the stadium.

Homerun.Everyone in the stands erupts in cheers my baby hitting all the bases as he rushes to get to home. To his team for the doggy pile.We won.My baby hit a walk off home run. We run out of the stands running down to the field. I rush over and grab Jax from the dog pile and hug him tightly. "I'm so proud of you. Dad would be so proud of you baby boy!" I shout over the hollering of boys. He smiles and hugs me tighter. "Thanks mom. Uhm. Look behind you." I arch a brow. Noticing how quiet it has gotten. I turn around in a panic. Only to see Maverick on one knee. His coach uniform hugging his strong arms, his baseball cap is turned backwards, his strong jaw and blue eyes just glowing with the sun. I gasp in shock. Looking behind him I see Brandi, Mike and Juliet all smiling... Chloe is holding Jepp, and Jade is holding her hand. "Laramie." Maverick clears his throat. "Until you, I wasn't sure what love was. You and your children are amazing. You're a great mom and you've been great to my baby girl. I want to continue this life with you baby. For the rest of our lives, I want to wake up to you. I want to hear those kids running up and down the stairs twenty times a day." I laugh and wipe the tears from my eyes. "I may not be your first love baby, and that's okay. All I ask is that I can be your last. Will you marry me?" He opens the black velvet box. There's a beautiful rose gold square cut ring. I sob my left hand shaking slightly as I hold it out to him. "Is that a yes baby?" Mavericks asks. He looks so unsure I should just mess with him. However, I am too excited. "Yes, yes! I love you!" I shout. He slips the ring on quick and wraps me in his arms kissing me fiercely. I look around at all the people I love. I glance up at the sky and send a thank you to Alan. Thanking him for helping me find love again.



We won.We won!Being a football coach, I did not think I'd get so excited to help with baseball. But we won! I hug my boys right before Maverick is set to purpose. Then I see her. Standing in the background like she always does. But never really blending in. Katy Johnson. Mavericks’ little sister. I know, I know. I should not be wanting her. Maverick has become a quick friend and a great coach to work with. This could ruin not only our friendship but our coaching relationship. He already agreed to be assistant coach for me this season. Since the school can't really afford another coach. Katy stands there, her dirty blonde hair in a high ponytail. Her tanned skin peeking through her Tabor Tigers tank top, I take in the swell of those perfect pert breasts. The ones I had so much fun playing with,before she kicked me out.She's wearing jeans today. They mold to her toned legs like skin.She’s a fucking dream. Laramie is saying yes at this point, but I can't watch my friends.All I see is her.Her dainty small hand covering those plump pouty lips. She looks like she is going to cry. I would go console her, but with how we left things. I don't think she would let me. I clap with everyone else. Celebrating Maverick and Laramie. Katy looks over at me. Her hazel eyes widening with fear.Come on baby girl.

She shakes her head like I am an afterthought and rushes to her brother’s side.

Whatever I have to do. I will make Katy Johnsonmine.
