Page 140 of We Found Love

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The sound of a car had them all looking to the driveway. Two pulled up and doors opened.


“He called earlier to say he managed to get someone to cover for him. Surprise,” Ford said.

She threw her arms around him and hugged him. Autumn was a great hugger.

“Love you.” She then ran to her family, who had just arrived.

“Love you too, baby.” She didn’t hear, but she knew, knew that she was the light that had brought him out of the dark.

He watched Sheriff Dans, Robyn, and the Duke brothers all climb out. Autumn had been to Lyntacky many times over the past few months, and her father had come here too. They were building a relationship and making up for the years they’d missed. Her cousins were also becoming a big part of her life.

Ford followed her to greet them.

“So you asked her then?” Sawyer Duke glared at him, but from what Ford knew, that was pretty much his go-to expression.

“I did. And she accepted.”

“Damn. I was hoping to lure her and Ritchie to Lyntacky.”

“We’ll be there often enough.”

Ritchie had gained three grandparents, four uncles, and two aunts. He loved all the attention.

“Congratulations,” Sheriff Dans said when he’d finished hugging Autumn. He held out a hand to Ford. “Hurt her and we’ll hurt you.”

His nephews all muttered their agreement.

“Want a beer?” Ford asked.

They all nodded and headed to where the Ryker Falls people stood.

Home, he thought. He was with people he liked and respected, a boy he already felt like a father to, and his girl. The woman who had healed him.

Life was exactly where he wanted it to be.

* * *
