Page 15 of We Found Love

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“We will now tally the points,” Mayor Gripper said. “Your cards will be collected. Get yourself a drink and prepare for the next round.”

Deciding now was a good time to call and check in on Ritchie, Autumn excused herself and went outside. She’d not left him alone before with anyone but her grandparents. The Robbins sisters were wonderful people, she knew that, but she still had to check on her son.

The warm air settled around her as she stepped out the front door of AS. Summer was full of hot, steamy days here. The outline of the mountains was silhouetted in the distance by the moon and provided a stunning backdrop to the little town.

Pulling out her cell phone, she called Miss Sarah.

“Hi, it’s Autumn. Is everything okay?”

“Wonderful, dear. Ritchie is in bed and reading. We’ve had a lovely time. He is a credit to you and such a sweet boy.”

She felt a flush of warmth at the words. Her son was her life, and while she knew he was a good kid, he had his moments.

“Thank you. I don’t think we’ll be long.”

“Take your time, dear. My favorite show is about to start.”

“Okay, and thanks again, Miss Sarah.”

“Enjoy yourself, and make sure you win.”

Laughing, she cut the call. It rang again immediately. Looking at the caller ID, she thought about letting it go to voice mail but knew he’d just keep calling.

“Autumn,” she said after accepting the call.

“How’s hick town falls?”

“What do you want, Nick?”

“Can’t I call and talk to the mother of my child?”

She didn’t say anything, just waited. He always wanted something. Her ex wasn’t a bad man, just a spoiled, self-indulgent one with wealthy parents who gave their only child everything he wanted.

“Just wanted to talk.”

Nick never just wanted to talk. He was always scheming or had an ulterior motive to everything he did in life. He mixed with the wrong people constantly, and then his parents got him out of trouble when he got in too deep.

Her grandparents were wealthy, but Nick’s family had money that was next level. He’d grown up with everything he’d ever wanted, and too late, she’d realized his true nature.

“Just tell me what you want.”

“My parents are playing hardball and I need money.”

“What for this time?”

“I went into this business, but it didn’t work out like I planned. Now I owe money.”

She didn’t sigh, but it was there. “Why can’t you stay out of trouble?”

“This was a good deal, babe. I would have made plenty of money and finally gotten out from under my parents. It’s not my fault it failed!”

“It’s never your fault. I’m done with this, Nick. No more calls, no more asking me to approach your parents. They hate me anyway for luring their precious boy astray. I’m not helping you anymore. Grow up and deal with this yourself.”

“Last time, Autumn. Please. This is serious.”

“Go to a bank and get a loan like normal people.”

“I tried. It didn’t work.”
