Page 4 of We Found Love

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She snuffled like a puppy and then went quiet. She still gripped two of his fingers tightly, but he knew she was sliding into sleep. He watched her until her eyes closed and her breathing eased into a steady rhythm. Only then did he rise and pull the blanket to her chin. After ensuring she had everything she needed, he bent and kissed her on the forehead.

“Sleep well, angel, and have a good life.”

After letting himself out of her room, he went back to his.

Dropping onto the bed, he closed his eyes even if it would be only for an hour or two. He lay there, worrying about the woman with no name who had needed him for a brief moment in time. The woman with serious curves whom he’d felt closer to and unguarded with for the first time since hell had rained down on him in college.


Sleepy River Ranch was in Ford’s blood, as it was in his brother’s. But unlike Nash, he hadn’t left to build his home someplace else. His days would end here, as had always been his plan.

Of course, his plans had also once included a wife and family, but he wasn’t so sure about that now.

“Nice day for a ride, it has to be noted.”

His brother rode a horse at his side. Big like Ford except with a more solid build, Nash sat in the middle of the three Winter siblings. The youngest was Maggie, a redheaded firecracker who had married the Ryker Falls head park ranger. He was a man the Winter brothers had come to realize was good enough for their baby sister.

“Real nice,” their father said from beside Nash.

Ford would look like the head of the Winter family one day. Tall, broad shouldered with a rangy build. His face was weathered and tanned from hours outside. Their mother enforced hats and sunscreen, but that had only been in the past few years. Ford’s father was a good man, the best father anyone could have growing up. He’d taught Nash and him how to be the men they were today.

The Winter parents had insisted their kids study and sent them away to college before they decided if ranch life was for them or not. It hadn’t been for Maggie. Art was her thing, and she owned a gallery in Ryker Falls.

Ford hadn’t needed to go to college to know what he wanted, but his parents had been adamant he see what life away from home was like.

“So where are you taking us, Dad?” Nash asked.

They’d been riding for about twenty minutes, not long considering the size of the property they owned.

“We’ll stop here.”

They all pulled their horses to a halt in a line.

“See the south fence and then across to the river border?”

“Yes, Dad, we know that block well.” Ford’s eyes followed the hand his father held out.

Nash shot Ford a look but shrugged. He had no idea why their father had brought them out here.

“That is the piece of land your mother and I want you to build your house on, Ford.”

“What?” Shock had him shooting his dad a look.

“It’s time you had a place of your own. We know Nash and Luna are happy where they are, so we’re giving them some money to do things.”

“What?” It was Nash’s turn to look at their father now.

“Maggie too. Her and Fin are happy in town, and with him being the head ranger, they can’t move too far away.”

“Back it up a bit here, Dad,” Ford said. “I don’t understand what’s going on.”

“Your mom and I have decided that we can’t take our money with us, and there’s plenty left anyway, so we’re giving you three some. I want you to build your house here with it, Ford. You’ve taken more control of the ranch and one day will be running it with Nash. I want you to live here and put down roots. The ranch house will be there, but your mother and I plan to be around awhile yet.”

Ford dismounted. His horse was well trained and would stay where he’d left it. He walked over the land his parents wanted him to have.

“It would make a nice place to have a home,” Nash said, following him.

He’d never thought about leaving because when he was awake at night, it felt good knowing he wasn’t alone. He wasn’t scared unless he had a nightmare, and when that happened he got up and worked on his models, but it was a comfortable feeling to know his parents were around.

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