Page 83 of We Found Love

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“Okay, and it was so awesome. Joe then let us go outside with flashlights when it was dark. We played this game called spotlight.”

“I’ve played that,” Ford said. “I haven’t for a while, but it’s fun.”

“Mom. Aunt Jess and Bailey are going to the green-juice place and asked if I wanted to come. Can I go?”

“Sure. Let me get you some money.”

Ford started digging around in his pocket.

“I got it. Thanks, Ford.” She pulled some bills from her bag and handed them to her son. “You behave and be polite. Remember your manners.”

“I will. Bye.”

“He’d a good kid,” Ford said as they watched him sprint away.

“He is.”

“I thought after last night the nerves between us would be gone, Autumn.”

“They are. I just… It’s confusing for me. I have a son, and in the daylight what we did last night complicates things.” She went for honesty.

“I know you have a son. I knew that before I slept with you. I said to you we should see where this goes. Let’s not make it complicated until it needs to be.”

“Will it?” She looked into his eyes and felt it again, all that emotion and heat. The need to feel his body pressed to hers.

“Yes.” He leaned down.

“Don’t you dare.”


“Kiss me.”

“Too late.” He brushed his lips over hers, then turned and walked away.

Crap.Her eyes searched out people, but no one was looking their way except Maggie, and she was smiling.

“If I could have your attention!” Mayor Gripper was on the megaphone. “All those wishing to compete in the Lyntacky volleyball tournament, please listen up.”

Autumn moved closer and stood at the rear of the group that had formed. She felt Ford arrive. He stood close enough that his arm brushed hers.

“Hey there, Autumn.”

“Hi, Maggie.”

“Hey, big bro,” she said, leaning around Autumn to smile at her brother.

“Little sis,” he said. “Why are you dressed in exercise gear when you hate exercise?”

“Because it’s a nice day to play volleyball.”

“We’re inside, Tigger,” he said, his voice dry as dust. “And I repeat, why are you dressed in exercise gear?”

“I’m playing, all right?” She looked like an angry pixie. Eyes flashing. Red hair in a knot on top of her head, bobbing as she talked.

“Why? You hate getting sweaty.”

“Some parts of getting sweaty she likes,” Fin said from in front of them.
