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“Because I’m insane,” she muttered. She should just be angry at what Sawyer had done to her, but the thought of leaving Lyntacky to attend a wedding was something so different and out of the norm from her usual boring existence that she was looking forward to it.

She could be angry with him and secretly happy about going to the wedding, surely. After all, she liked the people who were attending, and Birdie could ignore Sawyer and talk to them.

Birdie had convinced herself life was just the way she wanted it to be. She was lying. She’d changed jobs through necessity. The pay was better. But what she’d often dreamed of doing was travel and then educating herself to follow her dream. She wanted to study homeopathy. So far, she hadn’t been brave enough to do either. Now it was too late, as she had to stay where she was to support her parents and pay bills.

“I hear Sawyer Duke is taking you to the wedding of the year.”

Nina walked up to her desk. Even after hours of clients, she still looked like she always did. Pretty, her makeup perfect. Short blonde hair styled to look messy. Birdie was messy before she left the house each day for work, and it was definitely not a style. She tried but could never quite master the put-together look.

“Sure. No big deal. I just said I’d help him out.”Rat that he is.“He was getting a lot of pressure to take someone.”

“Nice that you offered, then. Not that he’s ever done anything he didn’t want to do. The man’s an immovable object. Strange how he agreed to go with you.” Nina was giving her a look that suggested there was a lot more to the Sawyer and Birdie going to a wedding together thing.

“He didn’t agree. We were just talking at the bar, and it came up and then it kind of evolved into me going with him.” Birdie felt a trickle of sweat crawl down between her breasts as Nina studied her.

“How does something like that just evolve?”

“I think he was sick of people asking him who his plus one was, so he settled on me because I’m safe.” Did that come out high-pitched and a bit crazy?

“That must be it, then.” Nina nodded. “So, what are you wearing?”


“To the wedding. What are you wearing? You leave in two days.”

Was it only two days away?She would be losing money by not working her shift at the Roll Away. But maybe if she won enough in the game tonight, that would cover it?

“Birdie!” Nina snapped her fingers in front of her face. “Focus here. What are you going to wear?”

She hadn’t even thought about that. Mentally skimming through her wardrobe, she came up empty. There was no money for new clothes, so her closet had to hold something she could wear. Birdie wasn’t one of those people who could just throw together an outfit with a few scarves and the right jewelry.

“I’m not sure yet.”

Nina propped a hip on her desk. “It’s two days away and you have no idea what you’re wearing?”

“I have a few options,” Birdie lied.

“What?” Nina blinked her long fake lashes twice. “Tell me.”

“Ah, well. I have a blue skirt that I could wear my white shirt with.”

“Not the long blue one that makes you look like you belong in a cult. And definitely not the white, man’s shirt that hangs on you that you wear with leggings?”

She refused to blush. “I’m not buying clothes for the wedding, Nina.”

Nina rose and pulled the phone out of her pocket. Then she made a call.

“Cill, she has nothing to wear and, as far as I can tell, no clue about fashion or makeup.”

“That’s not fair. I do so have a clue,” Birdie protested.

“Absolutely no clue,” Nina said again.

“That’s harsh.”

“Yeah. We’ll go to hers tomorrow. Seven? Then the kids should be in bed.” Nina carried on with the conversation as if Birdie hadn’t spoken. “See you then, Cill.”

Nina dropped the phone back in her pocket.
