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“Yes, it does. I spent two days in there one summer because I was rebelling,” he said out the side of his mouth.

Her hand felt strange in his. Kind of warm, and tingles raced down her arm. What did that mean? Was she allergic to Sawyer Duke?

People came out of Calloway’s to join them in the street. Cars stopped in the middle of it, and soon their circle was complete.

“Hi, Sawyer,” Sydney Jane purred across from Sawyer and Birdie.

She was looking at the large man holding Birdie’s hand as if the sun rose and set with him and she’d like to strip him naked for all the hours in between. Curvy and happy to show hers to whoever was looking, Sydney Jane had her hair in a high tail and more makeup on her face than Birdie had ever owned. Man-eater were the words that sprang to mind when she looked at her.

“Sydney Jane,” Sawyer said.

The woman blew him a kiss.

“What?” Sawyer looked down at Birdie.


“You made a noise.” His brows lowered.

“I can’t make noises now?”

“Whatever.” His fingers tightened around hers.

She’d never been popular, and it didn’t bother her. In fact, Birdie liked that she could be exactly who she wanted with no expectations because she wasn’t on the it-girls list.

Okay, maybe sometimes she thought it would be nice for people to notice her, but that didn’t last long.

“You lead off, Sawyer, seeing as you were first in,” Mr. Calloway said. Clearly, he’d walked out of the shop, since he was still wearing his “ask my wife if you can’t find anything” apron.

This town, Birdie thought. It was the one thing that completely united them. Inside its borders, as far as the speakers could reach, they would form circles to dance The Grapevine Twist. Old, young, cool, geeky. Right then in Lyntacky, everyone would dance, united in honoring Shelly Lyntacky if they wanted to or not.


“What?” She glared at the storm cloud beside her.

“You snorted.”

“Well, excuse me if my noises bother you. Maybe you should have thought better about who you blackmailed into being your plus one if you wanted silence.”

His eyes narrowed. “You have a smart mouth.”

Her smile was fake. “Thanks.”

His fingers tightened around hers again, and then they were on the move. Weaving in and out of people, then collecting another couple to do the same. On they danced in the street.

Most of the people who’d been born and raised in this town could dance these steps in their sleep. That big bad Sawyer Duke moved with ease through them should not have been as sexy as it was.

It was his hand she was aware of. Hers felt small wrapped inside. She’d never danced with him like this before, always avoiding being next to him for no other reason than he was usually grumpy.

Looking at the large, calloused hand, she thought it could both protect a person and send them to orgasmic heaven with ease.

Orgasmic heaven?Where the hell had that come from?

“What are you playing at, getting Sawyer to take you to the wedding?”

“What?” Birdie said as Sydney Jane whispered the words in her ear.

“You heard.” If a look could drop a person, the one Sydney Jane was giving her would have Birdie on her knees.
