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“You found a bitch to take home, Duke?”

“Back away,” Sawyer said as Grill approached him.

“Make me.” The smug look on the biker’s face told Sawyer he wasn’t leaving without a fight, which he’d normally be happy to give him. But not with Birdie here. He needed to get her to safety. “She’ll be happier with a real man,” Grill added, eyeing Birdie.

“Well now, you show me one, and I’ll see about that,” Birdie said from behind Sawyer’s back.

“Be quiet, Birdie.”

“A fiery bitch. Just how I like them.” Grill moved closer.

“I’m nobody’s bitch,” she spat out.

“Birdie, shut up!”

“Come here, baby.” Grill reached around Sawyer.

Sawyer swung his fist and connected with Grill’s nose. His howl of pain was satisfying, and he staggered backward, going down as he tripped. It gave Sawyer the time he needed. Picking up Birdie, he put her on top of the bar.

“Get behind it!” He couldn’t get her out yet. Grill was coming at him again with blood running down his face. “Now!”

She disappeared.

“That your girl?” Grill asked with a smug look on his ugly face. “I’ll make sure she’s well taken care of.”

Sawyer saw red at the thought of this animal anywhere near Birdie. He answered with his fist.


Birdie sat on the floor behind the bar beside two girls wearing the Gray Dog uniform of tight gray tank tops and short black skirts.

“This shit pisses me off. Tips were flowing, and I was just getting Bear to notice me, and a fight breaks out,” one of the women said.

Fudge buckets, Sawyer Duke knew she was Bird Dog and playing poker here in the Gray Dog. She’d hidden what she got up to from everyone until he’d heard her talking dirty and tonight found her here. Now he had more to blackmail her with.

Maybe she could sneak out and get in her car. He’d have to confront her in Lyntacky. Getting to her feet, she looked over the bar and then ducked as a barstool flew her way. It smashed into the bottles behind. One shattered, and the bitter tang of gin filled the air. Birdie battled down the panic. She would be okay, and just had to find a way out.

“The boss is not gonna be happy about this,” one girl said. “And now we’ll have to stay late to clean that up.”

Rising again, Birdie searched for Sawyer. He was fighting with that big biker she’d seen in Lyntacky a few times. The one who’d called her a fiery bitch, which was really rude but also kinda cool. She’d never been fiery a day in her life, but someone thought she was, even if he was not a very nice person.

“Sit, drink,” one of the girls said to Birdie. She was waving a bottle of spirits at her.

“I have to drive home, so I better not.”

“We do too. One hit won’t hurt you.” The girl held it out to Birdie, and she took it.

If she was going to drink for any other reason than enjoyment, being in a bar fight, after the man who was blackmailing you found more dirt on you, was a good one.

She closed her eyes and swallowed. Her mouth exploded into flames. Coughing, she handed the bottle back.

“Not much into drinking is my guess,” the girl said.

“It tastes like firewater,” Birdie rasped. She coughed a few more times. Wiping her burning lips, she staggered to her feet. Peeking over the bar, she saw a woman in leather flip a man over her shoulder. Beside her, two men were wrestling. It was mayhem. Rising to her toes, she found Sawyer. He was still fighting the same man. Another was coming up behind him with a pool cue.

“Sneaky son of a bitch,” Birdie said. She lifted the flap and slipped out from behind the bar.

A man flew past her and hit a table, making her shriek with fear. He staggered to his feet.
