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“He made it today for me to bring after I told him what we were doing. Jed knows that feeding me at the moment is better for everyone,” Cill said.

“Red wine and carrot cake go really well together,” Nina said.

“It’s so nice to see Birdie having friends over,” Meadow said, returning. “She doesn’t go out much, and I never see people here,” her mother added, handing Cill a mug of peppermint tea. “Especially after Steve.”

“Thanks, Mom, and we don’t need to talk about him.”

“I just mean you spend too much time on your own worrying about money and paying the bills, Birdie,” Meadow McAllister said.

Cill and Nina shot each other a look, and Birdie only just swallowed down a moan. She didn’t want people to know they were struggling financially. They were coping for now, and that was enough. The McAllisters did not need help or pity.

“I don’t worry about money, and you should get back to Dad. Aren’t you guys baking more vegan dog treats tonight?”

“All I’m saying is that it’s time to move on. Steve fooled us all,” Meadow said.

She loved her mother, really. But sometimes she wanted to muzzle her. Meadow McAllister always said exactly what she was thinking. No filters. If it needed to be said, then it was. Often, one of her children ended up embarrassed when this happened and wishing the ground would swallow them whole. Like now.


“Steve was your ex, right?” Nina asked. “I didn’t meet him.”

“He’s a douche bug.”

“Douche bag, Mom,” Birdie said.

“Right. I try not to be rude about people, but I can’t find good things to say about that man and what he did to our little bird,” her mother said.

Birdie could feel the color flooding her cheeks. She’d always been a blusher and for the smallest reason. Not that this was that. She hated talking about Steve because it just strengthened her belief that she wasn’t good enough in so many ways. Relationships was just one of them.

“They were engaged, you know,” Meadow added.


“You need to talk about it more, sweetie. I tried to help you cleanse your aura after he’d left, but I don’t think you were open to it.”

“If he didn’t see what you are, Birdie, you need to forget him,” Cill said, holding her second piece of carrot cake.

“Don’t waste any more time on the loser,” Nina added. “Plenty more hot guys to play with in the sandbox.”

“Exactly what I said to her,” Meadow agreed, running her finger over the cream cheese frosting on the lid.

“Sure, and I have moved on. Now you need to head back, Mom, in case Dad burns the dog treats.”

“Don’t forget the website,” her mother said.

“I’ll try to find the time. See you later, Mom.”

But Meadow McAllister was not quite done. “Isn’t it lovely Birdie is going with Sawyer to the wedding? They make a wonderful couple and are perfect for each other.”

“Mom, this is not a date. I’m helping him out.”

“Sure you are, sweetie. But he’s a big, strong man with a lovely aura that would suit yours.”

“He’s a grumpy asshole but really hot,” Nina said.

“He’s a protector,” Meadow said. “He cares about the people he loves, and he’s hiding too. Probably after that Jolena broke his heart in LA.”

“Bye, Mom. I’m sure I smell smoke.” She loved her mom, but you never knew what was going to come out of her mouth next. Birdie couldn’t discount her recounting every embarrassing moment in her childhood if she stayed.
