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She spun and found a man and woman standing there. She’d guessed middle-aged. The man was in a suit, and the woman wore a tight, fitted black dress and heels.


“You can join us,” the woman said. “You don’t need a suit.”

“Thanks, but I’m just going to bed.”

“That’s a shame,” the man said. He placed a hand on her shoulder, his thumb stroking her bare skin. “If you change your mind, we’ll be out there for a while.”

Birdie stepped back, thinking the woman seemed nice but the man a bit handsy, and walked away. Returning inside, she reached the elevator just as Sawyer did.

“I thought you were going upstairs.”

“I just wanted to go for a walk.”

“Alone?” His brows met in the middle.

“Yes, alone. We’re not in a big city, Sawyer. I met a couple who were going to the hot tub. They invited me to join them.”

The elevator doors opened, and a large hand nudged her inside.

“What couple?” he demanded.

“I don’t know them. They seemed nice. He wore a suit and she a black dress.”

Sawyer’s brows drew together in a frown.


“They approached me too, Birdie. When I was looking at a map of Ryker Falls that Ted has framed in reception.”

“See?” She smiled. “Nice people.”

“Have you ever heard of threesomes?”

She felt color flood her face. “Of course I have.”

“Those two were bored and wanted someone else to liven up their sex life,” he said, glaring at her. “They told me not to bring anything to wear when they asked me to join them.”

“No! You can’t know that.” She blushed because they’d said that to her too, and the man had touched her and stroked her shoulder.

“I do, and you are not that naïve.”

“Th-they were polite to me and asked if I wanted to share their hot tub! That does not mean they wanted a threesome!”

He leaned in closer, their faces inches apart. “Grow up, Birdie. The Little Miss Sunshine act only goes so far.”

She slapped him hard. Birdie wasn’t sure who was more surprised. The doors opened, and she ran. Fumbling in her bag, she found her key card. She swiped it the first time and was turning the handle when a big hand reached over her head and pushed it. She was then propelled inside.

“You were mean and deserved that,” she said, backing away from Sawyer.

“You need to wise up.” He kept advancing on her. “The world is not all sunshine and roses.”

“After what we discussed in the bar, you don’t think I know that! I gamble and talk dirty to make money! I know about the bad, but I choose to see that there is more good in the world than you.”

He grabbed her around the waist.

“How the hell have you reached the age you are believing there is so much good in the world? How has someone not torn off those rose-colored glasses?”
