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“For fuck’s sake,” Sawyer muttered, putting his invisible cone on. “Cone of silence,” he added. “Birdie told me last night her father had surgery for skin cancer, stage three. Apparently it was in Rummer, when she and her parents were supposed to be at some kind of vegan thing.”

“I remember that,” Ryder said, looking pissed off all over again.

Sawyer told them about the medical bills she and her siblings were still paying off.

Dan whistled softly.

“That night I got this”—Sawyer pointed to his face—“she was at the Gray Dog in Sauce, gambling in a disguise.”

“You’re shitting me?” Ryder looked shocked.

“When has he ever done that?” Brody demanded.

“Messing with someone?” Dan asked, and Ryder nodded.

“True. So just wow then,” Ryder said. “I wish she’d come to me with this. I could have made things easier on her months ago.”

“I knew it was her,” Sawyer said. “Even considering she was wearing a red wig and dark glasses, but I said nothing until the fight erupted in the bar, then I got her out and told her she wasn’t coming back.”

“I thought there was a tension between you two,” Brody said. “Now I know why.”

At least he had a cover for the tension between them.

“She’s the most stubborn and independent person I know. Plus, there’s her pride,” Ryder said. “She should be a Duke, actually. That’s exactly how we would have handled this, but we have the money.”

“We’ll find a way to get some to the McAllisters so Birdie can stop working so hard,” Brody said.

“Don’t break her heart again,” Ryder said.

“Sure, like I’m going to fall hard for Birdie McAllister,” Sawyer drawled. “I’m not big on repeating mistakes even if she were my type, which she isn’t. One shot at that forever-after shit was enough for me.” Weird how his chest felt tight suddenly.

“You can’t stop love, bro. It happens when you least expect it,” Dan said.

“When have you been in love, Double D,” Ryder asked, “and I’m not talking Selena Haven in third grade.”

“She was hot though, Rye. Admit it,” Dan said.

“Nah, Jacki Lee was hotter,” Brody said. “But there was Leah too, right?”

“Shut up.” Dan growled.

“Again?” Sawyer said, running over the last thing Ryder said in his head. “I didn’t know Birdie had her heart broken.”

“Yeah, after that BS went down with Shithead Steve and he walked away instead of marrying her,” Brody said.

“Shithead Steve? Birdie had been engaged? When?” Sawyer demanded.

“Oh right, you were in LA. This shithead Steve came to Lyntacky and started talking to the McAllisters one day when they were selling those bars from their stall at the market that nearly broke your teeth,” Ryder said.

“I’d forgotten about those,” Dan said. “You had to suck them to soften them.”

“Anyway.” Sawyer brought them back on topic.

“He started hanging at the McAllisters, helping out.”

“You had to know he was invested. He wore one of those kaftans Mrs. McAllister makes,” Brody said.

“And?” Sawyer demanded.
