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“This means nothing,” he growled.

“I know.”

“How do you know?” He pushed her hair behind her shoulder. It was soft and silky.

“You don’t make commitments. Once burned and all that.” Her voice was almost a whisper, but out here, with only the sounds of nature, he heard her clearly.

“I’ll never give a woman that power over me again.”

“I felt like that after Steve. Sawyer?”

“Hmm?” He rolled a curl in his fingers.

“I want that now with you. One time, and then we can go back to the way things were between us.”

Just a few simple words and his cock was hard.


“It,” she said, walking into his body. “I want it with you now.” Her hands slid up his chest, heating him as they moved, and around his neck as she closed the distance between them.

The gesture from Little Miss Sunshine had him igniting.

“It being sex? You allergic to the word?” He leaned in to kiss her softly.

Her hands played in his hair, and he’d never wanted to purr, but right then he could manage it. “Just FYI, you are nothing like your bio,” he whispered into her ear.


“Plays well with others. Nice-natured, and studious. Never breaks the law or talks dirty.”

“I’m nice-natured and play really well with others.” Her fingers ran through his hair. Nails scraping his scalp.

“Birdie McAllister, the template for the girl next door.” Sawyer slid a hand down her back to grip her ass.

“I sound like hell.” Grabbing a handful of his hair, she tugged his mouth down and kissed him.

Sawyer eased back an inch. “No, not hell.” Right about then, she felt like heaven.

He lost every thought but one then, his need for this woman. All his family were in that building a short walk away and could wander out here, but he didn’t care. He had to have her.

“Be sure,” he said against her lips.

“People have one-night stands all the time.” She bit his chin, and he moaned.

“How many have you had?”

She pulled back to look at him. “No more questions. We do this, and it’s a onetime thing.”

He knew she wasn’t a hard ass no matter that she was talking like one, but he wanted her, and she was offering him everything he lived by. No strings and a single night of sex. Strange how he was the one who usually set the rules, but hearing her state them pissed him off.


“Be sure,” he said again. He’d walk away if she asked, but it would be hard.

“Here?” She looked around them. There was a bench and trees but not a lot else.

He boosted her up his body until her legs wrapped around him. Sawyer was pretty sure she’d had a few wines like last night, and drinking, he knew, wasn’t something she did often. But she wasn’t drunk. All the alcohol had done was remove a few of her inhibitions.
