Page 100 of My Unexpected Mate

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“Is this modest enough?” Annie asked and twirled in front of me.

She was wearing a black dress with long sleeves that reached her knees and black boots. She looked hot, I had to admit.

Aria chose tight jeans, thigh-high black boots and a tight black t-shirt. Nick should be okay with that. Although, I wouldn’t mind if she chose something less tight. I could see her curves and I knew men love that. But I didn’t want to be an overbearing brother. She already had a mate who did that.

“You look great, Annie,” I told her and smiled.

“Thanks,” she said and winked at me.

Nick came back shortly after.

He eyed Aria up and down and I could see him gulp. Goddess, he was so in love.

“I don’t really like how tight those clothes are,” he said. “But on the plus side, you can’t see any skin.”

Aria chuckled and Annie rolled her eyes.

I hurried them and all of us got inside my car.

After a short drive, we arrived at the club.

Nick grabbed Aria’s hand and pulled her close to him.

I took Annie’s hand in mine and led them to our usual table.

The club was loud, but it wasn’t as packed as it usually was.

“I have to go talk to the boss,” I yelled over the music. “I will be right back.”

Nick and the girls nodded, and I left to go upstairs where Sebastian’s office was.

I grabbed the envelope from the table, folded it and placed it in my back pocket.

I went back downstairs, sat at our table and waited to see if I would be needed tonight.

Aria’s POV

I didn’t know why I said yes to come here. I guess I thought it would be a good distraction.

The only distraction I was getting was being jealous because all the girls in here were literally throwing themselves at Nick. It was making me angry, and I wanted to punch all of them.

Gabriel was also getting his fair share of girls. But I really didn’t care about that. My eyes were fixed on this tall, curvy girl currently flirting with Nick. Her boobs were on display and her ass wasn’t covered one bit. Nick could see everything, and I wanted to cover his eyes.

I couldn’t really blame the girls. He was hot. He was the hottest man in here. Well, he and Gabriel.

I was staring at her and frowning. My thoughts were not helping me at all. I kept thinking how Nick would be happier with a girl like that. She could give him what I couldn’t. And she had so much more to give as well.

Nick had been a gentleman the entire evening. He was declining the girls politely and sat beside me the entire time. I actually felt guilty. Maybe he wanted to dance or just simply move away from this table.

He kept talking to this girl and she was staring at him with a sexy smirk on her face. She was the only one he stood up for and walked away from me to talk to. He smiled at her, and my heart sank painfully.

I looked down at my hands because I couldn’t bear to look at them any longer. I was suffocating in my emotions. Pain, jealousy, anger, guilt. Everything was there and it was too much.

Right when I thought I would stop breathing, two strong arms circled my waist. I felt tingles spread around my body and I knew it was Nick.

“You know I can feel what you feel, love,” he whispered in my ear. “Please stop feeling guilty. Although, I like that you are jealous.”

I looked up at him and he winked at me.
