Page 105 of My Unexpected Mate

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“I wanted to sleep with you. I want you close. I need to know you are safe,” he said. “But if you are not comfortable, I will sleep in the room next door. But I am not going home.”

Aria looked down at her hands. I could see how nervous she was.

“Maybe you should sleep next door,” she said quietly. “And if I need you, I will let you know.”

Nick nodded and smiled at her, but I could tell he was disappointed. Good. He was not getting her that easy.

The girls said their goodbyes and went upstairs.

As soon as we heard their doors close, Nick sighed loudly.

“Fuck,” he growled. “I want to kill the fucker.”

“I know. Me too,” I sighed and leaned back.

“He has to be following her, Gabriel,” Nick said, frowning. “This cannot be a coincidence. I think he is watching the house.”

My eyes widened. He was right. He had to be close. There was no fucking way this was a coincidence.

“I think you are right,” I said. “And that only makes it easier for us to kill him.”

He nodded and looked at me. “We will be on the lookout. We need a plan. We can’t let him alert Victor.”

“I know,” I sighed. “We will come up with something. The important thing is that we are one step ahead of him. He doesn’t know that we are aware he is watching us.”

“Speaking of Victor, did you get the info Sebastian left for you?” Nick asked me.

“I did,” I nodded. “But I don’t think I can look at it tonight. Meet me in my study tomorrow morning?”

Nick nodded. “Yeah. I can’t think about that now.”

“I think I am going to tell her tomorrow,” I said quietly.

Nick looked at me. “I think you should. She needs you right now. She needs her brother.”

I nodded and patted his back. “I am going to bed. Do you need anything?”

“No, man,” he said. “This is like my home.”

I chuckled. “It is. Good night, Nick.”

“Night, Gabe,” he smiled back at me.

I walked upstairs to my room and headed straight for the shower. I needed warm water to relax my muscles. I had been tense since the club. I needed to find and kill that fucker.

Aria’s POV

I walked into my room, thinking about Nick.

Goddess, I wanted him to sleep here with me. There was no way in hell I was able to sleep tonight. But I felt embarrassed admitting I wanted him here. I felt a little bit scared as well, but I could get past that. Especially after tonight. Nothing felt more right than being in his arms. I never felt safer.

I stripped my clothes and walked into my bathroom.

I turned the shower on and went to remove my makeup while the water heated up.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were red and puffy. My skin was paler than usual. I looked like I hadn’t slept for days. I looked tortured.

In a way I was. My mind was constantly being tortured by the images of that man. The images of my grandma hitting me. Telling me I was a mistake.
