Page 110 of My Unexpected Mate

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Neither Gabriel nor Nick said anything.

I looked up and saw them looking at each other.

“I know it is dangerous and I know you won’t let me go alone,” I said. “But you can come with me. You will love them.”

They both looked at me with unreadable expressions on their faces.

“Of course, you are not going alone,” Nick growled. “I just don’t know if I am okay with you going at all.”

“Why?” I asked, surprised.

Why would they have a problem with that? Cassie and Jake were my family.

“What if something happens to you? What if Victor finds you? He obviously wants you for some reason. You heard what Annie found out about him, he is insane,” Gabriel said.

I frowned. “Nothing will happen to me there. You will be there, and Jake won't let anything happen to me. They are my family. And how do we know that Victor Annie read about and Victor trying to find me are the same person? Victor is not that uncommon name.”

Nick growled and narrowed his eyes at me.

“Who was Jake to you?” he asked through his teeth.

I looked down and sighed. Shit. I shouldn’t have mentioned Jake. I was hoping we would focus on talking about Victor.

The more I thought about it, the more I knew that Victor from the book Annie read and Victor that man mentioned were not the same person. I was not powerful, and I definitely didn’t have a sibling. It was just a weird coincidence, that’s all.

“Aria?” Nick called me and grabbed my hand.

I looked up at him. “He was my boyfriend.”

I could lie and tell him we were friends. But I knew he would find out and I would be in much bigger trouble than I was now.

Nick’s eyes went dark. Nate was here. Shit.

He growled loudly and stood up. He started pacing the room and grabbed his hair with his fists.

“Nick, please, calm down,” I said and got up. “It has been four years. He must have moved on and besides I have you now. Nothing will happen between us. But we grew up together and he is important. He is no longer my boyfriend, but he is my family. I need to see him and know that he is okay. Cassie as well.”

Nick walked up to me and grabbed my face with his hands. His eyes were flickering between black and brown.

“You are mine,” he said in a much deeper voice, Nate’s.

“I am yours, Nate,” I said quietly. “Yours and Nick’s.”

He lowered his hands on my shoulders, nuzzled his nose into my neck and breathed deeply.

After a few moments he looked up at me, his eyes now back to brown. He kissed my forehead and smiled.

“I am sorry,” he said, not letting go of me. “Nate is a very possessive wolf, and I am a very jealous man.”

I chuckled. “You don’t have to be. He is family now. Nothing more.”

He nodded and we sat back down.

Gabriel was frowning and looking between us.

“I am still scared about Victor. He can’t get to you here. Magic is protecting the house,” he said.

“If he wanted to take me, he would come here already and he would,” I said. “I was at Pete’s when that man first found me. Your magic didn’t protect me then. Either he is waiting for something, or he is not that man from the book.”
