Page 113 of My Unexpected Mate

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I loved Mrs. Black. She was an amazing woman. She was always in a good mood and willing to help. I was glad I had her in my life.

“Oh, Linda, you don’t have to,” Annie said. “I don’t want to bother you. I will be fine on my own.”

“Nonsense, Annie,” Mrs. Black smiled and grabbed Annie’s hand, pulling her up. “We will start making lunch and have a lot of girl talk. You are not bothering me.”

Annie smiled and nodded, letting Mrs. Black pull her out of the kitchen and toward Nick’s house.

After they left, I turned to look at Aria.

“We should go back to study,” I said nervously. “I need to show you a video.”

She nodded and got up.

She walked to the study, Nick and I following behind her.

Nick placed a hand on my shoulder, squeezing lightly. I looked at him and he gave me a small smile.

We walked inside the study and I closed the door before walking over to my desk.

I sat down and turned my laptop on. I opened the drawer where I put the USB stick. I plugged it into the laptop and opened the video file. My grandma’s smiling face popped up on the screen.

I looked at Aria. She was sitting on a sofa across the table. Nick was standing behind her with a nervous look in his eyes.

“I need you to watch this video,” I said to Aria.

She nodded and wiggled in her chair. I could tell she was nervous as well.

“What is it about?” she asked me.

“You will see,” I said. “Just remember that I am here for you, okay? Nick is here for you.”

She looked up at Nick and he smiled down at her, placing his hands on her shoulders.

“You are freaking me out,” she said, looking back at me.

I smiled and turned the laptop toward her.

She looked at the screen and then back at me.

“Who is that?” she asked me.

“My grandma,” I smiled. “Hit play when you are ready.”

She took a deep breath and hit play.

My heart started beating painfully fast. This was it.

I focused to keep my breathing even. I needed to be calm for her. She will not reject me. She will not run. She loved me. She was comfortable around me. She felt safe around me. I couldn’t let myself think otherwise or I would freak out.

I watched her go from nervous to confused until a complete and utter shock was written all over her beautiful face.

She gasped loudly when she heard our grandma say her name. When she listened to our grandma talk about her, tears started rolling down her cheeks. Her eyes were wide and glued to the laptop screen.

Nick was standing behind her with arms crossed over his chest. He was looking down at her with a worried expression on his face.

The video ended and the room went silent.

Nick and I were looking at Aria, waiting for her to move or say something. Her eyes were still on the laptop screen. Tears were rolling down her cheeks, but she didn’t move a muscle.
