Page 123 of My Unexpected Mate

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Aria looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I sighed.

“Fine,” I said. “Maybe I was a little bit pissed off.”

“If that was little, I hate to think what a lot would be like,” Nick laughed.

“Okay, enough!” I growled. “Now I do need a break.”

The three of them laughed and I frowned at them.

“I don’t like the idea of leaving you,” Nick said, changing the subject.

“Gabe, you said you put a spell around this place,” Annie said, turning to look at me. “Can anything happen to us here?”

“No,” I said confidently.

I am a great warlock. Nothing gets past my barrier.

“Did you hear that, Nick?” Annie asked him. “We will be perfectly safe here.”

“Maybe we could go to Louis’ bar,” I said. “I could use his wine after that little rant about me.”

I didn’t like the idea of leaving them either. But I could see Aria needed a break from everything. Nick wouldn’t keep his hands off her and I would be joined at the hip with her if I could. She needed a night with her friend, away from our over-possessive auras.

Nick grunted and ran his hand through his hair.

“Okay, fine,” he sighed. “You have two hours, and we are coming back. Is that clear?”

“Yes, sir,” Annie said seriously.

Aria stood up from Nick’s lap and he got up and walked over to me. I could see he was not happy about this, but I think Aria really needed this.

Aria’s POV

Annie and I were standing by the front door, waiting for the guys to leave.

I was really glad Annie suggested we have a girls’ night. I needed a step back from everything. I needed to stop thinking and try to get my emotions under control.

I constantly felt like I was on the edge of freaking out, panicking, and running away. But on the other hand, I felt so safe here. My feelings for Nick were getting stronger and I was really glad Gabriel was my brother. I always felt something for him and now I finally knew why.

“Call me if anything happens,” Nick said sternly, walking to me.

“I will,” I said and gave him a small smile.

Gabriel walked down the stairs and came to stand by Nick.

“Two hours,” Nick continued. “Not a minute longer.”

“When does the countdown start?” Annie asked with a smirk on her face.

I turned to her and chuckled. She was such a tease.

“As soon as we walk through that door,” Nick growled.

“It’s okay, Nick,” I said, calmly. “Go, relax and we will see you in two hours.”

He frowned and wrapped me in his arms. He kissed my forehead and breathed in my scent.

“Come on, man,” Gabriel said.
