Page 127 of My Unexpected Mate

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He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

“I know,” he said quietly. “I don’t like being away from her. It drives me crazy just thinking about something happening.”

“Nothing is going to happen,” I said.

“Girl problems?” Louis asked.

He picked up a glass from the bar and started drying it with a dishtowel.

“Kind of,” Nick muttered.

“I get it,” Louis sighed. “Women bring nothing but problems.”

Nick growled silently and I kicked him in his ribs. He looked at me annoyed.

“Don’t,” I said silently.

I was pretty sure Louis knew about supernaturals, but I was not about to test that theory.

I turned to Louis, quickly changing the subject. I asked him about Varrena and his cousin. I didn’t want to anger Nick even more. He was tense as fuck.

The conversation went smoothly after that. We drank a few bottles and we even managed to make Nick smile for a second.

When it was time for us to leave, Nick stormed out barely saying goodbye to Louis.

“I am sorry, man,” I said to Louis, handing him money. “He is just nervous.”

“It’s okay, Gabe,” he said and smiled. “I hope I will see you again.”

“You definitely will,” I said. “Take care man. And come back soon. I will miss your wine.”

I really hoped Louis will be okay. He was there for me when my grandma died. He always listened and never judged. I will miss him.

“Be careful, Gabe,” Louis said seriously. “Don’t get caught.”

I nodded with a serious expression on my face and walked out of the bar. I had a feeling that that was his way of telling me he knew what I was.

Aria’s POV

I was on my fourth glass of gin tonic when we heard the car pulling up the driveway. The car doors slammed, and footsteps came running toward the door.

“Aria?!” Nick shouted as he flung the front door open.

“Living room,” Annie yelled and rolled her eyes.

Nick came running and he let out a breath when he saw me. He ran toward me and placed me on his lap, nuzzling his head into my neck.

Gabriel came behind him, shaking his head.

“Wow, Nick. It has only been two hours,” Annie said.

“Don’t ever ask me to do that again,” Nick said and looked up at Annie. “It was the longest two hours of my life.”

I chuckled and tried to get off his lap.

“No,” he growled. “Don’t move.”

I sighed and stopped wiggling. I knew he wouldn't let me go until he was ready.
