Page 160 of My Unexpected Mate

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Gabriel walked to him and stabbed his knife into Calvin’s upper arm.

He screamed and tried to get out of his handcuffs. Wolfsbane stopped him from shifting and healing quickly. His screams were music to my ears.

“Every time you don’t answer, I will stab my knife into you,” Gabriel said coldly.

A couple of stab wounds, pulled-out teeth, and chopped-off fingers later, the bastard decided to talk.

Gabriel was losing his patience and he pulled down his pants placing his knife next to Calvin’s balls.

I have never been happier to have such a sick, twisted bastard as my best friend. He enjoyed torturing the fucker as much as I did.

“I will talk!” he screamed and tried to get away from Gabriel’s knife.

His speech was slurred because of the teeth we pulled out.

“Was that so hard?” Jacob said sarcastically.

He wiped his bloody knife into his shirt and smirked.

All of us were covered in his blood.

“Blake,” I called, turning my head slightly to look at him. “Give him another one.”

We kept giving him wolfsbane injections to prevent him from shifting and to keep his wounds from healing.

Blake walked up to him and stabbed a needle into his arm. He tried to get away, but it was pointless. He was handcuffed and beaten.

“Talk,” I growled at him.

He took a deep breath before looking at me.

“My boss wants her because of her power,” he said. “He felt her power about four years ago and sent me after her. But she kept her power well hidden, and it was my job to follow her and take her to him the moment she showed her power again. I fucked up and we lost her. My boss found her in Moon City and sent me to follow her again.”

“Why does he need her power?” Gabriel asked.

We knew the answer, of course, but we needed to know how much they knew about her. And Gabriel.

“To take over the world,” Calvin said and smirked at Gabriel.

“So, is Aria that powerful?” Jacob asked him. “With her power, can he take over the world?”

He looked up at Jacob and laughed. Gabriel made a small cut on his thigh, next to his balls. Calvin screamed and looked down.

“What did I tell you?” Gabriel asked him. “Every time you don’t answer I will hurt you. Next time I will cut your balls.”

Calvin started shaking, his eyes flying from Gabriel to the knife.

“No, she is not that powerful,” he said, his voice trembling. “But the boss decided she would have to be enough because he couldn’t find the real thing.”

“What real thing?” I asked, knowing the answer.

“There is a prophecy,” he muttered. “It says there are powerful twins who will rule the world. The boss wanted to take their power, but he couldn’t find them. So, he settled with her.”

Gabriel looked up at me. They didn’t know about him.

“She should have been mine once he was done with her,” Calvin said, spitting blood down on the ground. “You fuckers messed that up!”

I growled and punched his face.
