Page 188 of My Unexpected Mate

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My heart was beating painfully in my chest. My hands were itching to touch her.

If she wasn’t in his arms, Jacob would be a dead man.

But I can’t kill him, can I? He obviously meant so much to her. If I hurt him, I would be hurting her, and I could never hurt her.

I love her.

The bedroom door slowly opened. Annie was standing in the doorway.

“Is she okay?” Annie asked me quietly.

I shook my head and turned back to look at Aria.

Gabriel was still rubbing her chest. She was not looking at him anymore, but she didn’t push him away.

Jacob kissed the top of her head, and it felt like a knife to my chest. I needed to take her from him.

“Dinner will be ready in an hour,” Annie said. “She should sleep until then.”

I nodded. Annie was right. She needed to rest and eat. She will be better after that. She has to.

I slowly stood up, even though I wanted to rip her from him and run away with her as fast as I could.

“Annie is right, love,” I said quietly. “You need to rest a bit. Can I take you to our room?”

There was a moment of silence, and I couldn’t even breathe. What if she wants to stay here? What if she doesn’t want me to be with her? What if she wants Jacob?

A wave of jealousy and pain hit me so hard I almost fell down on my knees.

She looked up at me with those beautiful green eyes and nodded.

I almost cried in relief. She wanted me.

Gabriel stood up and took a step back.

Jacob kissed the top of her head again, and Cassie squeezed her hand.

I walked closer to her and placed one hand behind her knees and the other on her back. I pulled her from Jacob and finally took her in my arms.

Tingles and sparks flew all over my skin. I felt immense relief. She was in my arms. Not his.

I held her close to me and she placed her head on my shoulder. I turned my head to kiss her cheek.

Gabriel opened the bedroom door and I walked out.

“Do you want me to stay?” Gabriel asked me when we walked into our room.

“No,” I said. “We will come downstairs when Annie finishes cooking dinner.”

Gabriel nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him.

I sat down on the bed and leaned against the headboard. I never let go of her.

“I love you, Aria,” I said quietly and nuzzled my nose into her hair.

I didn’t expect her to say it back. I didn’t need her to say it back. I just needed her to know I loved her.

Her scent calmed me down instantly. I felt my muscles relax and I was able to breathe normally for the first time since I saw her in Jacob’s arms.
