Page 212 of My Unexpected Mate

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“No!” Blake said, his eyes widening. “I wanted to come and talk to you. I wanted to tell you so we can protect them both. But...”

“But what?” I said through my teeth.

The fucker gave my sister to Victor. If something happened to her, I would kill him. I would rip him apart piece by piece.

“She saw me when I came back,” he continued, his voice trembling. “She made me tell her what happened, and she went to him.”

My heart broke into a million tiny pieces. He had her. He really had her. My whole body was in pain. I needed her back. I have to get her back.

Nick’s POV

My heart was beating painfully, and I was burning inside. She was gone. My mate was gone. I couldn’t see her. I couldn’t smell her. I couldn’t feel her.

I have never been more afraid in my life. I had absolutely no idea how the hell I was going to live without her. She had to be okay. I have to get her back. I need her.

I wanted to kill Blake. My whole body was vibrating with the need for his blood. Nate was completely unhinged. I had no idea how the hell I was keeping him inside.

I wanted to scream, whine and tear the whole fucking world apart until I find her. She is mine. She belongs to me. She should be here right now. We should be in bed together. I should be inside her right now, feeling her around me and tasting her soft lips.

I shouldn’t be sitting here, listening to how her friend betrayed her and let her go. This wasn’t right. I should kill Blake and go after her.

Gabriel grabbed my arm. It was as if he could hear my thoughts.

I looked at him and saw the same need for Blake’s blood in his eyes. He wanted to do the same thing. He wanted to kill him.

But he knew we couldn’t. Aria would never forgive us. And we need him to tell us everything. He was trying to control himself and me at the same time.

“Tell us everything, Blake,” Jacob said, his voice cold. “What did you tell her, and what did she do?”

“I came back inside the house,” Blake said. “I thought you were gone already. I wanted to find Nick and Gabriel and tell them what had happened so we could make a plan. I was sure the kitchen was empty. But Aria was here.”

My heart clenched when he said her name. My Aria. My love. I want her here. I need her here.

“She asked me what was wrong,” Blake continued. “She could feel how sad and distraught I was. I refused to tell her, but she was persistent.”

“Of course, she was,” Gabriel muttered and closed his eyes.

“When she heard what Victor told me, she immediately started walking outside,” Blake said, his voice trembling. “I stopped her and told her we need to tell the others. I told her she can’t go to him.”

Blake stopped talking and took a deep breath. Cassie was crying silently. Jacob’s face was stone cold, but I could see his jaw twitching.

“She said she couldn’t live with herself if he hurt any one of us,” Blake said quietly. “She said that nothing he would do to her would compare to the pain of being responsible for the harm that he would inflict on us.”


Gabriel put his head in his hands and let out a torturing sound.

I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t do anything. I felt like if I moved a muscle, it would send me flying into Blake and killing him.

“Gabriel is right,” Jacob said through his teeth. “You shouldn’t have said anything. You should have come straight to us.”

“I know,” Blake said, his voice breaking. “I was scared he would hurt Cassie. Aria was so brave and adamant I was sure she would be okay.”

“What happened next?” Cassie asked him, wiping the tears from her face.

“I tried talking her out of it,” Blake sighed. “I tried telling her we would protect her and Cassie. I tried telling her she would be in grave danger if she went to him. But she didn’t want to listen. She said she would be okay. She said she would hold on until we found her. And if she didn’t...”
