Page 229 of My Unexpected Mate

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Five days.

Five fucking days and we still didn’t know a fucking thing.

We had been scouting the area but still didn't come up with anything still. We haven’t found the entrance. There were no people lurking around. Nothing. Fucking nothing.

I hadn’t been sleeping or eating. I was drowning in anger, despair, and fear. I was going crazy without her. I have been irritable, and I snap easily. Yesterday, Jack and I got into a fight. I don’t even know why. He said something that made me angry, and I couldn’t hold back. I knocked him to the ground, and he fought back. Both of us now have a black eye, split lips, and bruises on our faces. We were not a pretty sight to see. But I didn’t fucking care.

The others weren’t doing much better either. None of us were eating or sleeping much. Jacob lost control over his magic a couple of times. Luckily, no one got hurt. The girls were a crying mess most of the time. They were trying to keep it together, and they were completely dedicated to learning everything they could about Victor, but I saw how hard it was for them.

Nick was not Nick. I’ve known him my whole life and I have never seen him like this. I didn’t recognize the man. He hadn’t slept at all. He had been eating, but barely. He wasn’t talking much. He mostly communicates with growls and death stares. I had a feeling he was having a really hard time keeping Nate inside. He was becoming more of an animal than a man. He shifted a couple of times and we had to hold him so he wouldn’t run off and try to find her. He almost bit Mike, but we managed to stop him in time.

The good thing was that we didn’t hold anything against each other. All of us understood how scared and angry we all were. We fought and threw punches, but when we were done, there was no bad blood between any of us.

Right now, Nick and I were on our designated post. It was 6 am and we had another two hours until we were replaced by Mike and Jack. Nothing was happening. The forest was quiet.

Nick was tense. His eyes were bloodshot. He hasn’t shaved in days. I could see his jaw twitching. His arms were crossed over his chest, and he was staring at the forest around us.

My body was tense. Days of not sleeping or eating properly were making me feel like shit. But I was not tired. I couldn’t be tired. The anger and fear that was burning through my body kept every other feeling from consuming my body. I couldn’t feel anything else.

I was leaning on a tree and clenching my fists together. I needed to find something. Anything. I can’t go on without her for much longer.

Yesterday, Nick and I talked for a while. I was surprised when he spoke because it was a rare thing these days. Nick told me that he couldn’t think about anything else other than her being tortured. He said that the images of her, broken and beaten, were constant in his mind now.

I knew exactly how he felt. I couldn’t seem to keep those images away from my mind as well. I was terrified that he was hurting her. I was terrified of the things he was doing to her, and I can’t think about anything else. It was breaking me. I needed her back. She was the only one who could fix me.

I didn’t really figure it out until she came into my life, but I hadn’t been complete until I met her. It was a twin thing. She was my other half. I hadn’t been whole until her. And now that she was gone, I was so painfully aware of the fact that my other half was missing. I can’t believe I didn’t notice that before. I couldn’t believe I lived twenty years without her. Looking back, I had no fucking idea how I did it. How didn’t I notice that half of me was missing? She had been gone for five days now, and I couldn’t fucking breathe.

“Do you think Cassie made a mistake?” Nick asked me and interrupted my thoughts.

“What do you mean?” I asked him quietly.

“What if she is not here?” he asked, his voice trembling. “What if there is nothing here and we are wasting time? What if she never sent Cassie a message? Or what if there is another place this plant grows, and she is there, not here?”

If I was being honest, that thought did cross my mind a couple of times. But I didn’t want to believe that. I can’t believe that. She has to be close by.

“She has to be here,” I mumbled. “We will find something.”

“We have been doing this for five days now,” Nick said angrily. “And we haven’t found a fucking thing.”

“I know, Nick,” I sighed. “But I have to believe she is close. I have to. I can’t let myself think otherwise. I will go insane if I do, man.”

Nick sighed and ran a hand through his messy hair.

“I know,” he said after a few quiet moments. “I am dying inside, Gabe.”

I looked at him and saw despair in his eyes. I am pretty sure they mirrored mine because that was exactly how I felt.

“Me too, Nick,” I said quietly. “I just want her back.”

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened them, his eyes were filled with unshed tears.

“We will get her back,” he said. “And when we do, I will lock her up inside my body where she will be safe.”

Oh, if only we could do that. If only I could lock her up somewhere and keep her there for the rest of our lives. She would be safe, and I would never have to feel like this again.

I sighed and focused my attention on the forest around us. We will find something today. We have to.

Jacob’s POV
