Page 238 of My Unexpected Mate

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After a while, we reached a cave.

“What the fuck?” Jacob mumbled.

“This is the entrance,” Patricia said quietly. “We have to hide and wait. He should be out soon.”

Patricia told us that Victor had a meeting with his followers today. She said he always holds his meetings on the same date, the 15th of the month. We were skeptical at first. She hadn’t seen him in years. He could have changed it. But she was convinced. She was sure he still had the same habits.

And she was right.

After about half an hour, we saw a man walking out of the cave. He looked around carefully, making sure there was no one around. He looked pissed off and angry. His body was rigid, and his hands were clenched into tight fists.

I barely managed to keep myself from jumping up and killing him. And I could say the same thing about Nick. He flinched when he saw him, and I had to grab his arm because I was afraid that he would attack him.

I looked at him and gently shook my head. He clenched his jaw and nodded. He looked away from me and focused on Victor.

When he was sure no one was around, Victor walked off in the opposite direction from where we came.

We stayed hidden for a while longer. We didn’t want to risk Victor coming back.

After a while, Patricia stood up from her hiding place. She motioned for us to follow her.

“There will be at least 10 people around,” she said quietly. “Victor won’t risk more people being here. The more people that are here, the higher the chances are of them blabbing something out and others finding out about this place.”

We nodded and started walking inside.

The cave was dark. It was damp and it smelled awful. The path was narrow, and we had to walk in a line. Soon enough, I could feel the walls closing in on my muscular frame. I had to squeeze through.

After a few minutes, I started to see a small light. The cave walls were replaced by a concrete structure, and the path got wider. We could walk next to each other now.

“Hey! Who is there?” a deep voice broke the silence.

A few moments later, a man stood in front of us. His eyes widened, and he was too shocked to do anything.

“Kill. Don’t get hurt,” Nick said darkly and shifted into his huge wolf.

He jumped on the guy, ripping his throat with his canines.

All hell broke loose.

Victor’s men started coming out of the huge metal door at the end of the hall.

Patricia shifted into her wolf and attacked.

Spells started flying around and bouncing off the walls. I closed my eyes and focused on projecting an image of the forest to the guys around me. They stopped fighting and looked around, confused. I walked up to them, slicing through their necks using my pocket knife. Their limp bodies fell around me.

“Nick! Gabe!” Jacob screamed.

I turned around to look at him. He had a huge wound on his forehead and blood was gushing out of it. He was holding a guy’s head in his grip and with one quick move he broke his neck. The guy’s body fell limply in front of Jacob.

“Go get her!” he told us. “We will handle the rest!”

Nick and I didn’t have to be told twice. Nick shifted back and put on a pair of sweats that he had previously tied to his ankle.

Patricia was right. There weren’t many people inside and we managed to defeat them pretty quickly.

We walked through the huge metal door, and there was another long hall. It was faintly illuminated by a light bulb hanging from the ceiling. The hall was narrow, and Nick had to walk behind me. We walked quickly, and I saw a door to our left. I opened them and saw a bed and a small closet. I guess this was one of the rooms for Victor’s men. I walked further and started opening every door I saw. They were all the same and all of them were empty. I saw a kitchen and a small bathroom.

“I can smell her,” Nick whimpered behind me. “Walk faster!”
