Page 241 of My Unexpected Mate

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Jacob ran into the room. “Goddess, Minnie!”

“Jacob, grab the medical bag from my car,” Patricia said as she lifted Aria’s shirt to check her other injuries.

Her belly was completely black and blue.

I growled loudly, and my vision blackened. I could hear Gabriel breathing heavily.

“Her ribs are broken,” Patricia mumbled.

I started shaking. I could feel Nate clawing his way out. I closed my eyes and focused on controlling him. I couldn’t let him out now. I needed to be next to her.

I could hear something breaking and I opened my eyes.

Gabriel was fuming. His nostrils were flared. His hands were clenched into tight fists. His jaw kept twitching. On the floor next to him was broken glass.

“I will kill him,” he said so coldly that a shiver went up my spine.

I had never seen him this angry. His eyes had blackened and, if I didn’t know any better, I would have thought his wolf had surfaced.

“Gabe, man, you need to calm down,” I said, trying to sound calm. “We will rip him to pieces. But your sister needs you right now. If you continue like this, you will lose control of your magic and we will have a problem.”

His eyes snapped to Aria and his gaze softened immediately.

“Oh, love,” he sobbed as he kneeled next to her and took her other hand into his. “I love you. Please wake up.”

Jacob walked inside with Patricia’s bag. She grabbed it from him and walked over to us.

“I need you to give me some space,” she said. “I will check her wounds and prepare her for a blood transfusion.”

I wanted to ask her how she knew all this, but I decided it could wait.

“Nick, I need you to move,” she said.

“No,” I growled. “I am not letting go of her.”

“You have to,” she sighed. “I need room to work. Get off the bed and go stand next to Gabriel.”

I looked up and saw a very nervous Gabriel and Jacob leaning on a wall.

“I can’t let go,” I whispered.

“I know,” she said and placed her arm on my shoulder. “You need to. Just for a little while. For her own good.”

I looked down at the love of my life and nodded slowly. I let go of her hand and my heart clenched painfully.

I promised myself I would never let go of her again.

And I already broke that promise.


Gabriel’s POV

Patricia took my blood, and it was now flowing into Aria’s body.

I stared at the blood bag without blinking.

I wanted to kill him.
