Page 266 of My Unexpected Mate

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He turned back around to look at Jake. “Will someone explain to me what the hell is going on and why are you all here?”

“Let’s go sit down in the living room and we will talk,” I said and motioned for everyone to move.

As we were leaving the dining room, a loud gasp stopped us.

“Zack?!” I heard Cassie’s voice behind us.

I turned around and saw Cassie staring at him, tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Hello, sweetheart,” Zack smiled.

Blake walked in behind her, and his eyes darkened as soon as he saw Zack.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Blake said through his teeth.

“Hello, Miller,” Zack smirked. “Nice to see you again.”

Blake clenched his fists and pulled Cassie toward him. I could see Zack flinching when Blake touched Cassie.

Great. This was just what we needed. I rolled my eyes and turned away to walk to the living room.

Aria’s POV

We entered the living room, and I pulled Cassie to sit down next to me. I could tell she needed my support. She never looked away from Zack.

I knew she loved him. She loved Blake as well, but Zack was her first love. He loved her too, but he was always too stubborn to admit that. When she started dating Blake, Zack was furious. Jake and I tried to talk to him. We told him to tell her the truth, but he kept denying he had feelings for her. He was always jealous of Blake, and they hated each other. I just hope they will be able to work together now. We needed them both, and it wouldn’t end well for us if the two of them were constantly fighting.

Mike, Jack and Annie came in a few minutes later. We introduced them to Zack, and they sat down.

“Okay, Patricia, talk,” Gabriel said sternly. “How do you know this man?”

“Well, Zack and his parents moved to my village a year ago,” she explained, turning to look at Zack. “His mom is an amazing healer, and she has been helping me. Zack wanted to be a healer as well, so he started learning from us. It turns out, he is great. He is an amazing warlock as well.”

“Where are your parents?” Jake asked Zack.

“Hiding,” Zack said.

Jake nodded and looked away from Zack. He was hurt. Zack disappeared without a word. Jake and Cassie thought he and his parents were caught and killed.

“I am sorry, Jake,” Zack sighed. “I had to leave. I had to protect my parents.”

“You could have told me,” Jake said angrily. “I thought you were dead! Cassie thought you were dead! Do you know how hard it has been for us?! You know how we felt after Aria disappeared, and then you go and do the same!”

Annie, Mike, and Jack had a shocked expression on their faces. They didn’t know that we knew Zack.

Gabriel, Nick, and Blake were angry.

Patricia was sad.

Cassie had tears streaming down her cheeks. I held her hand in a tight grip.

“I am so sorry,” Zack mumbled and looked at Cassie. “I am so sorry, sweetheart.”

“Don’t call her that!” Blake yelled; his fists clenched.

Zack didn’t even look at him. “I know I hurt you, Cass. Please forgive me. I did it for my parents. I know I should have told you that we were leaving, but I was afraid. I thought you would be safer if you didn’t know anything. I am so sorry.”

Cassie looked down at our joined hands and took a deep breath. She looked back up at him and gave him a small smile.
