Page 268 of My Unexpected Mate

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I looked over at Blake, who was fuming.

I need to get Cassie away from here for a second.

I stood up and pulled Cassie with me. Everybody looked at us.

“I need to talk to Cass for a second,” I said with a small smile. “The rest of you can get to know Zack a little bit better. We will be right back.”

I turned around before they could say anything. I pulled Cassie outside to the backyard, and as soon as I closed the door behind us, Cassie burst into tears.


Gabriel’s POV

I watched Aria and Cassie walk away. I could tell that Cassie needed to get away from Zack for a second.

I turned back and looked at Zack. He was looking after the girls as well. Blake was glaring at Zack.

“How the fuck did he even get her?” Zack asked after a few moments of silence. “How did he manage to take her away while she was with all of you?”

All of our eyes snapped to Blake. Zack followed our gaze, and his eyes narrowed.

“Did he have something to do with that?” Zack asked through his teeth.

I was hesitating. Should we tell him? Blake was really sorry, and Aria made us promise not to blame him.

“Yes,” Nick said bluntly.

I guess he didn’t care.

Zack’s eyes widened, and he clenched his fists. “Why the fuck is he still alive?”

“Zack, calm down,” Jake said and walked over to him. “Blake made a mistake, but he apologized.”

Zack’s eyes snapped toward me and Nick. “So, your mate and your twin sister almost died because of that fucker, and you let him live?!”

I looked at Nick. He should have kept his mouth shut.

“I was trying to save Cassie!” Blake shouted angrily.

Zack looked at him, shocked. “Cassie?”

“He told me if I didn’t give him Aria, he would take Cassie away,” Blake said, gritting his teeth.

Zack gulped and stayed silent. He looked down at his lap and sighed.

“I saved the girl you love,” Blake said mockingly. “You should thank me.”

Zack’s gaze snapped up at Blake. “Fuck you, Miller!”

Blake smirked, and it only made Zack angrier.

“Okay, enough,” I snapped. “Blake fucked up, yes. He made the wrong decision. He should have told us, not Aria. But he made up for it, and Aria told us not to blame him.”

“What do you mean he told Aria and not you?” Zack looked at me, confused.

I looked over at Blake, who just frowned and crossed his arms over his chest. He wasn’t going to explain anything to Zack. I sighed and turned back to Zack.

“Victor left him a note, telling him to come to the forest edge,” I started talking. “He told him he would hurt Cassie if he didn’t give him Aria. When Blake came back to the house, he wanted to find us and tell us, but he ran into Aria. She saw he was distraught and convinced him to tell her what was wrong. She then went to Victor herself.”
