Page 53 of No Quarter

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“You helped save two people’s lives in that village, Nik. Alex and you worked together as a team to make it happen.”

“That is the truth. Alex knew if Sky remained there after she got over her malaria attack, that Vlad would rape her.”

“And so, Alex was a part of a very strategic plan, that included you, to get Sky to safety.” She saw weariness fade into Nik’s eyes, his mouth thinning.

“Who shot Alex in the calf, then?”

“An American operator.” Lauren wasn’t about to give out Cal’s name. She would protect her team no matter what.

Nik thought this over. “Alex sent me and the team north of the village, saying the American woman had escaped that way.”

“And when you couldn’t find her,” Lauren said, “Alexandrov came back and nearly beat Alex to death. He was left lying on that hut floor, Nik, bleeding out. No one, not even YOU, could help him. If an American Special Forces team hadn’t arrived later…,” and her voice cracked, her hands curling into fists. “They stopped the bleeding. If they hadn’t been there, he’d have died. They saved his life.”

Wincing, Nik whispered, “I WANTED to help him,” he growled. “But my commander was angry. He had a gun held to Alex’s head. Did you know that? Alex was unconscious. I was the one who distracted my commander. I came forward, took a great chance with my own life, and told him to let him die of that slow bleed. That Alex was bleeding out at such a rate, that he would die anyway.” Breathing hard, Morozov added, “I lied to save his life! Alex was bleeding, there was no question. But I was praying… hoping… that he would regain consciousness and would know what to do to stop the loss.” His voice cracked. “I did what I could. If I’d begged my commander to help him, he’d have turned around, shot me in the head and then shot Alex. He was that angry. I did what I could for my friend, hoping against hope that there was an American team somewhere in the area searching for Sky.”

“I didn’t know that… Alex didn’t either…”

“He was unconscious at the time, so he couldn’t know,” Nik breathed, his hand knotted on his thigh. “I found out later. When the CIA agent contacted me in Aguas Calientes and asked me to become a mole in Petrov’s Russian team, he answered some of my questions about Alex. Until that day, I didn’t know that he’d survived.” He stared morosely around the dark, shadowy cave. His voice grew hoarse. “Petrov blames Alex for everything.” He wiped his furrowed brow and muttered, “Right now they lay in an ambush, waiting to lure Alex into it. Your kidnapping was a ruse, Lauren. You were bait. Petrov wants Kazak. Not you…”

Lauren gave a little cry, her eyes locked on Morozov’s dark, grief-stricken stare. His mouth was twisted, as if trying to hold back a barrage of terrible emotions. Nik was Alex’s best friend. She could see he still cared deeply for him. That he didn’t want this terrible ambush to go down. Oh, God, what was he going to do? What could SHE do?


Morozov had tothink. He stared down at Lauren. “I’ll be back. Don’t try to escape because you won’t be able to.” He stalked out of the cave, moving swiftly down another tunnel. His emotions were being torn apart. The look on the woman’s face had been abject terror. People undercover could frequently be good actors, but Nik had ten years’ experience as an operator and was able to discern play-acting from real-time visceral actions and reactions. And Lauren was as real as they got. Pushing his hand roughly through his short hair, he pulled up the NVG’s over his eyes as he stalked down the breezy tunnel between the two caves.

He walked out of the smaller cave, and could smell the dank humidity and hear the plopping of drops on the wide canopy leaves far above him. It had stopped raining, at least for the moment. He stood at the cave mouth, hands on his hips, his mind whirling with options. Alex was in love with Lauren. Before today, he had had no idea that Alex had finally found the woman who held his heart. Nik felt relief. Maybe even joy for him. He and Alex had worked side-by-side for seven years in Spetsnaz. And, growing up, Alex had always been like a brother to him.

Looking up into the darkness, Nik dragged in a deep breath. He knew where Petrov was setting up the ambush. It would only be a matter of time until Alex, and the Special Forces men with him, would fall into it. Rubbing his jaw, he paced. If he threw in his lot with Alex, tried to find him on this wet night, to warn him off, then he would be considered a traitor by his Russian team. His undercover job would be finished. Blown. His loyalty for the CIA warred with his concern for Alex and, now, Lauren. Petrov had never forgiven Kazak for abandoning them. And his leader had nearly revealed their recon position within the jungle earlier today as they overlooked Kurmi. They hadn’t expected American black ops coming into the village. It had merely been a recon to watch and see what the villagers were doing. Petrov wanted the stubborn chief to work with him and, so far, he’d resisted. And that had pissed Petrov off. They had hidden and watched silently to learn more.

Morozov remembered the shock he’d felt, looking through a spotter scope as the Americans had come off the trail and walked into the village. He’d heard Petrov snarl a low curse, vowing to get Alex, one way or another. Their entire objective had changed in those moments when Kazak had been spotted.

What was he going to do now?

This woman was in LOVE with Alex. Her tears were real. The look in her eyes ripped at him. Nik didn’t question she had fallen in love with his friend. So much had happened in the last six months.

If he threw caution away, decided to try and find Alex before Petrov found him, he’d be seen as a traitor. The money he was earning would be gone.

And yet, as he stood there, feeling as if his whole life had shattered apart moments ago, his conscience wouldn’t allow him to sit idly by, either. God, there were so many variables in play! He could end up getting shot by Kazak and his men. They’d shoot first and ask questions later. Lifting his chin, Nik thought about the woman in the cave. Was she ambulatory? Could she walk? He couldn’t leave her alone in the cave, prey to Petrov and his men. IF they survived the firefight, they would naturally come back to the cave where all their food supplies and weapons caches were stored. And they’d find Lauren and rape and torture her.

Shaking his head, Nik realized he’d already made his decision. But, until he went back to see if Lauren could walk, could leave this cave, he wasn’t sure of anything. He turned, trotting through the cave system and down the tunnel. Pulling down his NVG’s, unneeded due to the lamp light flooding the second cave, his gaze moved to Lauren. She was sitting there, wiping her eyes, trying to stop crying.

Lauren jerked her head up, hearing a noise to her left. She saw Nik Morozov stalk grimly into the cave. His eyes were alive with raw emotion. His face unreadable, mouth set. She tried to think. To plead for Alex’s life. Morozov came over, thrusting out his hand toward her.

“Get up!”

Lauren pulled the blanket off her legs. She struggled to her feet, a little wobbly, her hand moving to the cave wall to steady herself as she straightened up. He was glaring at her.

“Walk! Now!”

She pulled the blanket around her shoulders and took a few steps. Miraculously, she wasn’t dizzy. She walked halfway across the cave.


Turning, she stared at him. “What are you doing?” she demanded. He looked as if he were going to explode, his narrowed eyes flashing, his mouth a hard line. He suddenly moved toward her.

“We must hurry,” Nik growled. “Get rid of the blanket. You’re coming with me.” He hurried over to the weapons bag, hauling on his bulletproof vest, grabbing a second set of NVG’s and tossing them in her direction. “Wear these. I’m sure you know how to use them.”

Lauren caught the NVG’s. “What are you doing?” she whispered, hope rising with her fear. He pulled out the pistol he’d taken from her earlier along with an AK-47.
