Page 77 of Enemies in Ruin

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“What the—”

I grab for him as he moves to climb off the bed. “Ignore whoever it is. They’ll go away.”

He laughs as he moves, naked, for the door. “Anyone who comes to visit a Marzano in the middle of the night isn’t going to just go away if I don’t answer the door. Wait here.”

I don’t have much choice, tied as I am to the bed. I listen to the sound of the latch as the door opens, the low murmur of voices, and the door closing again several minutes later, waiting for Luca to come back to me.

Things have mostly returned to normal—or what normal might have been if I had never gone to California. Angel made good on his promises, and somehow, we managed to step out of the hellscape of the Bastoni e Pietri into a weirdly beautiful present. Luca’s Brooklyn apartment was renovated to make room for the both of us, and my painting supplies have a place of honor next to his bronze bookends.

I work from home, communicating with Sal and my West Coast guys via chat and Zoom calls, and Luca does the same. It feels a bit like playing house—sharing bathroom space and coffee in the morning, eating takeout in the evening because neither of us cooks, taking Baccio for walks together, and having sex. Lots and lots of sex.

Something will have to change at some point. I can’t manage a crew in California from New York for long without things slipping. But we’ll figure that out.

Luca returns a moment later, a large box in his hand and a bemused expression on his face.

“There are four more of these in the kitchen, and I’m not going to open them,” he says. “Suffice it to say, this is Geno D’Aquino. This one is his head, if I had to guess from the size and shape of the box.”

“Huh. I guess it’s all over with, then?”

“It is. That was a messenger from Angel Valachi. The 17s packaged Geno up and sent him over as a token of their respect and loyalty, and they pledged their allegiance to the Five Families. We won’t need to worry about them anymore.”

“Angel trusts them?”

He places the box carefully on the dresser. “One thing we understand is loyalty. I think we have to take into consideration that they were simply following the orders of their employer, but in the end, they showed some sense and did what they knew to be right. If they show they can do the same with us, we won’t have any problems.”

I crane my neck up from the bed to watch as Luca approaches, his gaze turning predatory. “Oh, hell no.”


“You are not leaving that dead thing sitting there and then thinking you’re coming back over here and picking up where we left off.”

“I’ve obviously left you alone too long.” Luca covers my body with his own, ignoring my objections. “Don’t worry, I didn’t touch it.”

Just then, I hear a buzzing sound. “What are you…?”

Luca found a vibrator somewhere. With a dirty-sounding chuckle, he places one end against my clit and works the other end inside my channel, and then flicks the power button.

“Oh, you motherfucker—” I close my eyes, my entire body shaking as he works the toy against me. “Luca, I give up. I can’t take any more—”

“You can and you will. You’ll take everything I give you. Look at me.”

I open my eyes to find him watching me with a hungry gaze. He’s poised above me, still naked, his cock rising stiffly against his stomach. I don’t know why he won’t just give it to me, why he’s doing all this other stuff. “You’re mean, Luca.”

With his free hand, he strokes himself. “I thought I was a nice guy.”

“I was wrong. You’re horrible. The worst. Please fuck me now like the terrible mobster you are. Please.” I move restlessly under the onslaught of the toy. He pulls it back, teasing me with it.

“You want me to fuck you?”

“I always want you to fuck me, you know that.” And I do. My want and need for Luca grow bigger every day that I’m with him. Sometimes it scares me, this love. I don’t know what I’d do if anything ever happened. If I lost him.

“Where are you, my wild girl?”

I look at him steadily, letting my eyes convey what I still struggle to tell him with words sometimes. “I’m just thinking how lucky I am that we’re here. Alive. Together. That we made it back to each other.”

Luca’s gaze softens and turns serious. “I love you, wild one.” He tosses the vibrator to the side and sets my thighs on his shoulders, then pushes into me in a powerful stroke that steals my breath and makes my fingers curl within their bindings. He leans forward to kiss me at the same time. Mouths and bodies connected, he begins to move within me.

We climax together moments later, and he unties me so we can curl into each other, utterly spent, completely satiated. His finger draws designs on my bare shoulder before his hand slides around to grasp the only thing I wear: Francis’s medallion.

I feel a whisper of warmth just before I tumble into sleep, the kiss of gentle presence against my subconscious. It’s nothing more than a faint sense of blessing and benediction, but it’s enough to make me feel peace for the first time in years as I slip into slumber.

Once my enemy, my hatred for this man lies in ruins, broken by love and grace.

I’ve touched the Untouchable, and now he’s mine.

The End
