Page 10 of The Sixth

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“I’m not going to Ne Ne’s.” She’s my aunt with the perverted boyfriend. I’m not a piece of baggage that can just be moved from one place to another. Nick seems to think he can push me around.

Nick isn’t messing around as his hand tightens on my arm. “Put on your fucking shoes.” His Polish sounds cracked, like he hasn’t used that voice in a long time. I’m ready to knee him in the balls.

“Take your hand off me.” I yank my arm out of his as the roar of an engine has us standing apart. My stomach twirls and dips. I should get my shoes. I’m going home. Tomas isn’t going to let me stay here.

I glare at Nick. Why did he have to come ruin things?

“Why were you dancing at a club?”

I snort a laugh. “Fuck off, Nick. Don’t pretend you care.”

“You’re my sister. Of course I care.” He sounds almost hurt, and I don’t get it.

The door opens, and Tomas doesn’t seem at all fazed to see Nick. His eyes move to me, and my insides quiver. I can’t hold his eye. I’m waiting to be packed off with Nick.

“I just had the Collector standing in my fucking warehouse,” Tomas says as he half hugs Nick.

Nick slaps him on the back. “Get the fuck out.”

“Vinny owed money to Egor,” Tomas tells Nick before his eyes skip back to me again. “You okay?”

My stomach tightens as he releases Nick and steps up to me.

“Yeah,” I lie.

“I’ll take her with me,” Nick says dismissively, like I’m some burden on people. I’m really thinking about hurting his manhood.

“She can stay here,” Tomas says, still looking at me. “Only if you want to.”

My cheeks heat. I bob my head. “I’d like that.” I chance a peek at Nick. Yep, he’s ready to explode. I want to grin at him and sing my victory, but I don’t.

Tomas exhales loudly as he takes in Nick’s pissed-off expression. “Why don’t you give us a minute?” Tomas asks me.

Gladly. I don’t look at Nick as I hide a smile and make my way into the living room. I don’t get far before Nick starts.

“My fucking sister?”

I cringe at Nick’s harsh words.

“I’ve always had a thing for her, Nick.”

I’m still at the door. They can’t see me, but I’m shocked still. I didn’t know Tomas had a thing for me. I always had a thing for him too, but it wasmorethan a thing. It was deep rooted, and I could never shake him.

“Yeah, she always liked you too. But still, man, my sister?”

“She was dancing at a club, Nick.”

I know I should leave them to their conversation, but I can’t seem to step away, not when it’s about me. I also should stay here in case things get ugly. Both of them have terrible tempers.

“I think I should take her to Ne Ne’s.”

I ball my hands into fists. I’m tempted to step out from behind the door and just tell Nick that I’m not going and to get over it already.

“Over my dead body,” Tomas growls, and my stomach tightens.

“What the fuck, Tomas?” Nick is getting riled up.

“Your aunt’s boyfriend is a fucking pedophile. You need to sort that shit out. If you don’t, I will.”
