Page 96 of Bad Decisions

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"Hey, I didn't know you were here already." I glanced over my shoulder, finding Reagan waddling into the office.

Okay, waddle maybe was mean, but she was eight months pregnant and far into the waddle stage. She smiled as she slumped into the chair next to me. Allie and Tristan made their way to Reagan with a loud squeal.

She scooped Allie up, balancing her on her leg while Tristan gave up trying to climb his mother and came to his second choice, me. I rested him on my leg as I leaned toward Rae, kissing her deeply.

"Gross!" Tristan squealed, slapping his hands over his eyes. I laughed as I pulled away.

"Math?" Rae asked, giving Emma a sympathetic look.

"It's the worst," Emma cried. "I hate it!"

"I know," Rae said, nodding. "Speaking of terrible things..."

"Oh God," I groaned. "That's tonight?"

"Yep," she said. I dropped my head back, breathing through my annoyance. "She's trying, but still—"

"It's a little too late," I muttered.

"Hey." She rested her hand on my arm, squeezing slightly. "At least she's trying now. Better late than never, right?"

"I'd rather never," I said, and she grinned.

Cora was coming to town tonight. We didn't live far, maybe four hours from her, but she'd met her grandkids less than a handful of times. She didn't take mine and Reagan's relationship well when we first announced it, so I refused to let her be a part of my family's life. She wasn't there for our wedding, or Tristan's or Allie's births.

I wouldn't let her put my family in a bad headspace, so after we moved, she didn't meet Tristan until a few months after Allie was born three years ago.

Since then, she'd seen them on holidays only, but even then, it was a short trip. This was her first week-long visit and I think everyone was dreading it, herself included.

"I can't even drink," I muttered, and Reagan let out an unsympathetic snort.

I gave up alcohol five years ago and haven't looked back. Well, that's not entirely true. I'd craved it and wanted to cave and have a drink or two, but remembering the person I was when I drank and the person I wanted to be for my family made me refrain.


"You'll survive," she sighed, resting her hand on her swollen belly. "I don't know if I will."

"Maybe having her around will induce labor," I said, and she rolled her eyes. Emma let out another groan and I turned my attention back to her.

"Sorry, babe," I said to Emma, letting Tristan back on the floor to play. He ran back to his cars, sliding across the floor to his mat. "Where were we?"

"Can't you just do it for me?" she asked, sliding the paper to me.

"You know I can't." She let out another dramatic groan, pulling the paper back to her. "You can do it."

"I'll leave you to it," Reagan said, groaning as she stood.

"Hey," I caught her hand, "you okay?"

"Great," she smiled. "Just swollen and aching, oh and I have heartburn. Otherwise, I'm great." I huffed out a laugh as she bent and pressed her lips to mine. "I need to set up for the next class."

"I'll help—"

"I got it," she waved. "Lily's helping."

I kept forgetting we'd hired Lily. I was still surprised that Lily was such a great instructor. Everyone loved her to death, but I hadn't expected her to want to be a teacher. Not that she taught yoga. She taught a pole dancing class a few times a week, which did really well.

I kissed my wife again and watched as she left the room, our baby on her hip and another in her belly.

When I looked back on my life, I realized that all the times I thought I'd been happy, I wasn't. Not really. Because nothing had ever compared to this.

