Page 21 of Gone With the Sandy

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I scowled that some fucker had made my man late. “I hope Chief lights into his ass later for it.” I ran my eyes over him, my dick plumping a little at how fucking good he looked in a pair of slacks, a white, button-down shirt, and a simple black vest. “Fuck, you look good.”

He grinned at me, a light blush staining his cheeks. “You don’t look too shabby yourself,” he teased.

They finally began to let us on the boat, and I linked our fingers together, leading him up on deck. I leaned against the railings once we found a decent spot, and I drew him into my arms, unable to keep my hands off of him. He didn’t mind, easily sinking into my hold, resting his chin on my shoulder as he looked out over the vast ocean behind us.

“This is perfect,” he whispered, his hands coming up to wrap around me, sliding along my back. I shivered beneath his touch, closing my eyes for a moment to savor our connection. “Thank you for this.” He turned his head and pressed a kiss to my neck.

I sighed softly, my fingers trailing up and down his back. “We never really get to do anything special together, so I thought this might be nice. And we don’t have to travel far.”

He shook his head. “It really is perfect, Harlow.”

I swallowed past the emotion thickening my throat. I only hoped the rest of this evening remained perfect for him, that I didn’t freak him out with my marriage proposal.

Here was to hoping.

* * *

I was so nervous,I could barely eat anything, though I was forcing myself to put the food in my mouth so I wouldn’t worry Xavier. He was having the time of his life, making erotic sounds every time he took a bite of food. My dick was beyond hard behind my zipper, and every time I adjusted how I was sitting, Xavier just sent me a naughty, knowing look.

Fucking tease.

Once our main courses were cleared away, I drew in a deep breath, looking out over the water. Xavier sipped at his wine, and I took that opportunity to get up from my seat and lower myself to one knee. If I didn’t do it now, I would lose the courage to do it at all.

The tables around us fell silent when Xavier dropped his glass of wine, spilling it all over the other side of the table and the delicate glass shattering, but he didn’t even notice. I chuckled, my chest loosening.

Such a clumsy man.

I slid the ring from my pocket and held it up. It was a simple diamond ring—nothing real flashy or expensive. Just something that showed my love for him and the promise I was making to him tonight.

His eyes filled with tears, his chin wobbling. I cleared my throat, my heart racing so fast in my chest, it hurt.

“Xavier, I know things between us haven’t always been smooth. You were my bully in high school, and I only antagonized you every chance I got.” A watery laugh spilled past his lips as he swiped at his cheeks. “Things were no easier when I returned home and we were forced to work together.” I drew in a deep breath, trying to steady myself so I could say what I needed to. “But one day, you saved me from getting plowed down by a bicyclist, and I felt like I could breathe again. The dark thoughts I’d been running from were suddenly silent.” My hands were now shaking, but I refused to stop. Ineededto get this out.

“You’ve been helping me heal. Helping me love and trust again. You’ve given me a safe place to land every day and a warm embrace to sink into. My home is wherever you are, Xavier.” I drew in a deep breath. “I want to spend the rest of my life loving you and trying to give you everything you’ve given me. Will you please marry me?”

“Yes!” he yelled, launching out of his seat. He crashed into me, sending us both toppling to the floor. He straddled my hips and grabbed my face in his hands, peppering kisses all over my cheeks, forehead, nose, and jaw. “Yes. God, yes, I will fucking marry you.”

I chuckled and grabbed his hand, slipping the ring on his finger—a perfect fit. Then, I grasped his face in my hands and crashed our lips together. Cheers rang out around us, but no one else mattered but this man, who had just agreed to officially become all mine.

It was the best goddamn feeling in the world.
