Page 28 of Wild Thing

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I watch as a woman sashays up to Mason with a wide, friendly grin on her perfect face.

Internally, I sob. It’s Inez.

I can’t lie—a sudden burst of jealousy scorches the pit of my stomach like a flash fire.

Inez is the way too pretty bartender who works at Nolan’s bar. The woman is a real-life bombshell. The kind of woman who makes every man in town do a double-take when she walks into the room. The kind of woman who has star-power. And to make matters worse? She isgenuinelythe nicest person.

When Mason flashes Inez that annoying, dimpled smile of his, my stupid ovaries swoon. In a heartbeat, they’re laughing it up like the best of friends. Two hot people. Just flirting up a storm. Like they want to rip each other’s clothes off and have 'hot people’ sex right here in the middle of town square. To remind us, less hot people of the citizenry, just how less hot we are.

My girls and I continue watching the interaction between Mason and Inez. And I’m holding my breath for the moment when he’ll whip out his phone and take her number. But after a few more moments of good-natured chatting, Inez points Mason in the direction of the ice cream shop, waves goodbye and steps away.

“Oh my gosh. I think he’s coming over here,” Layla squeaks out.

“Shit…” I inhale so hard I almost choke on my sundae.

Daphne busies herself, fixing her hair and adjusting her cute little vintage apron. “Yep. He’s definitely coming over here.”

The bell chimes above the door, announcing Mason’s arrival. I can’t look. I won’t look at him. I drop my eyes to my phone screen and hide my face behind a curtain of black hair.

Daphne hops up and chirps a bright ‘hello’. I don’t look up, but the gravelly lilt in Mason’s deep voice provokes an instant jolt between my thighs.

My heart is beating a thousand miles per minute. I don’t even know why. I breathe in and out slowly, trying to convince myself that I can only feel my heart racing because I’m thinking about it. Yeah, that’s got to be it.

Meanwhile, Mason walks right past my table, straight to the counter, never even acknowledging me.Daphne trips over her feet, dashing over to help him choose his flavor of ice cream. I listen silently as she lists off the flavors and Mason mulls over his options. Eventually, he goes with salted caramel.

Layla buries her face in the baby’s head and laughs quietly, obviously getting a kick out of my discomfort. I think I might hate her a little. But Mason is just merrily ignoring me, going about with his day.

How rude!

I huff in my seat, starting to grow angry. There is literally nobody else in the ice cream shop right now. There’s no way Mason didn’t see me. Is he just going to ignore me? Pretend we’re complete strangers after chatting it up with every other woman in town?

My asshole roommate pays for his ice cream and politely thanks Daphne.As she’s giving him his change, I dare to peek up in his direction. At that precise moment, his head is turning my way.Crap!

I look away so fast I nearly sprain my damn neck.

“You come back soon now,” Daphne giddily calls out after him.

“I will,” he promises with a boyish grin as he backs away from the cash register.

Gah. What an asshole. An asshole, I tell you.

Infuriated now, I cross my arms and turn toward the window, not interested in watching him leave.

But, in my periphery, I notice his shiny dress shoes shuffling to a stop near the door. Then, he’s slowly turning back around…and walking in the direction of my table. Shit.

Layla kicks me under the table, catching me in the goddamn shin. I can’t hold back my pained grunt.

Mason pulls up a chair and takes a seat. Just like that. Like he owns the place.

He focuses all his attention on Layla. “Hi, I’m Mason Westbrook.” He gently shakes her hand. “I’m the new—”

“The new doctor in town.” My (former) friend blushes hard. “I heard. I’m Layla.”

“Nice to meet you, Layla. Cute kid.”

She beams. “Thank you. His name is Skylar. He’s just a few days past three months old. Dr. Clifford is his pediatrician, so you’ll probably see us around the clinic in a few weeks for his next appointment.”

Mason nods politely. “I look forward to it.” Then, he slowly turns his body toward me.His gaze sticks to my face, lingering for a long, heavy beat. “Say, Karli…”
