Page 63 of Wild Thing

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Karli’s perfect tits poking through every freaking outfit she wears.

Karli naked and sprawled out on the bed in that dirty motel room, from our one and only—but fucking amazing—night together.

My breath catches in my throat. Tingles dance in the pit of my stomach.

She’s a breathtaking vision, even in my memory.

I’m close. So damn close.

My pulse is thumping and tension knots itself around the base of my spine. My balls get tighter with every stroke and—


My morning alarm blares loudly, and it jolts me out of my lust-induced daze. And here I am, with my cock in my hand.

What the hell am I doing? What kind of person does this shit anyway?!

A horny person does. That’s what I am. Horny. Horny. Horny.

In any case, this is getting out of control. It’s got to stop.

Strangled by guilt, I frantically silence the alarm. Under normal circumstances, a cold shower would probably be the most effective strategy for dealing with the level of sexual frustration currently coursing through me. But with the horndog I’ve become over Karli, I’d probably just get in the shower and finish myself off while fantasizing about her.

No. Not happening. I willnotbust a nut to the thought of my beautiful roommate this morning.

Going for a run might be my only saving grace today. To be clear, I don’t love running. I don’t even like it. But lately, my only reprieve from this lust has been running until my body gives out. ‘Cause if I can’t feel my legs and arms, and if my lungs are on fire, then I’ll have just a little less mind space for thinking about having sex with my roommate.

I hop out of bed, denying my body the release it so desperately needs. I immediately get dressed and head out for a jog.

This sucks.

It’s cold. It’s damp. And there’s hardly a soul out and about at this hour. But I push forward. Gotta do what I’ve gotta do.

So, here I am, jogging up and down streets that are named Sky Road and Destination Drive and Star Way. The same roads I got lost on my first day in town are the same roads that help me find peace this morning.

After I get into my stride, I actually find myself smiling. Somehow, Starlight Falls really is starting to feel like my new home.

“Hey, Dr. Westbrook!” an out of breath middle aged man calls out.

I recognize one of my patients, decked out in running gear, jogging across the street to catch up with me. “Good morning there, Pete.”

We end up jogging together side by side, and making a bit of small talk when Pete’s not too out of breath. I have to slow my pace for the older man to keep up, but I don’t mind. Heck—running slower seems to be a tougher workout for my already-aching body anyway.

Plus it gets my mind off the reason I’m out here to begin with.

“How have you been feeling? Do you notice a difference with the new medication?” I ask him. “Seeing you out here this morning already seems like an improvement.”

Pete’s wife dragged him into the clinic last week, concerned about his higher than normal blood pressure. He said it was nothing, but his wife and I disagreed. I ended up prescribing him something different, so I’m hoping he’s been doing better.

“Well, actually, it was your receptionist—Karli—who encouraged me to pick up running again. I used to run, way back in my day, but these knees slowed me down as I got older.” Pete points down to his legs. “But when I mentioned it to Felix, he recommended these fancy new knee braces, and I got my butt out of the house. I may be imagining it, but I already feel like I have more energy.”

I clap him on his sweaty upper back. “That’s great news, Pete. Karli’s right. Running will pump more oxygen into the body and definitely help reduce your blood pressure. But keep up with the new prescription until your next visit. We can look at tapering you back down then.”

“That Karli is really a nice girl,” he adds, in between labored breaths.

“Yeah. She’s pretty damn incredible.” And my heart beats a tiny bit harder at the thought of her.

“She definitely does have a pretty face.” He chuckles under his breath. “She looks like that actress. Megan...Megan…You know the one. ”
