Page 69 of Wild Thing

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I like that she’s smart as fuck.

Every fucking thing about her gives me a rush.

But this insanity has got to stop. Because Felix is starting to get suspicious.

This guy is my best friend and I don’t want to let him down. He took a huge chance on me, inviting me to move here and work with him. If I betray him by getting tangled up in bedsheets with his little sister, I’d never forgive myself.

Earlier today, Felix mentioned that I should be looking for someplace else to stay. How serious was he about that? I guess I’ll wait and see if he brings it up again. But for now, I’ll just sit tight. Keep my head down. Focus on work. Stay out of Karli’s way. Seems like a foolproof plan.

Felix takes a seat next to me and moments later, Archer grabs some water bottles from inside his house and joins us. The guys stare out over the forest as they chug down their water.

“Remember that big old birch tree over there?” Felix points to a tall aging plant with silvery, peeling bark on its trunk.

Archer chuckles. “Wouldn’t forget it. That’s the tree we tied Joey Finley to after he got handsy with Karli that time at the chakra revival festival a few years back.”

Felix nods proudly. “Poor sucker was drunk as a skunk. By the time we came back for him half an hour later, he’d pissed himself so bad that his pants were plastered to his ass.”

The brothers laugh uproariously and I listen in horror.

Archer casually tips back his water, taking a long gulp. “Don’t make that face,” he says to me. “He was fine. We made sure to drive him home safe and sound—in the bed of my truck, of course.”

“Yeah. He was fine. He just needed to be taught a lesson,” Felix says with conviction. “No one hurts our little sister and gets off scot-free.” He drops a hand to my shoulder. “You know what I’m saying. You have sisters of your own.”

“Yeah,” I mutter. I wouldn’t tolerate anyone disrespecting my sisters, that’s for sure.

“So you get where I’m coming from,” Felix continues. “As men, it’s on us to protect the women in our lives. Especially when predators come sniffing around.”

I nod. “Right.”

Seemingly satisfied that he’s gotten his point across, Felix bounces up to his feet, yawning as he surveys the sky. “Shit. It’s getting late. Let’s get out of here, princess,” he says, nudging my foot with his. “Looks like you’re ready to be tucked in for the night."

“Fuck. I’m more than ready to get out of here.” I peel myself off the ground, hopping up alongside my buddy. I brush twigs and leaves off my ass.

We say a quick goodbye to Archer and jump into our respective vehicles. I follow behind Felix for half a mile or so until he takes a left turn toward his place and I take a right, headed back toward the house.

I’m yawning as I get out of my car. I’m tired, and I’m sure I stink. I just need a shower and my bed.

When I get into the house, everything is quiet. I take that as a good sign. Karli must be asleep. Good. If she’s asleep, we can’t get in trouble.

I’m dead on my feet. In the kitchen, I flick on the light above the stove and tiredly shove a few crackers into my face. I’m too tired to worry about fixing anything for dinner. Then I climb up the stairs, undoing another button of my shirt with each step. Eyes momentarily closed on another yawn, I push open the bathroom door.

And suddenly, I’mwideawake.

Karli is buried in a tub full of bubbles. Eyes closed, earbuds in and surrounded by crystals, incense and fragrant jar candles. Immediately, I know I should step away. But she looks like a goddamned angel.

She’s leaned back with her head against the tile and I can see her knees peeking out over the top of the bubbles. All of a sudden, her left hand shoots out, urgently grasping at the edge of the bathtub.

Her right hand stays hidden beneath the water and the bubbles start to whirl. She lets out a little hum of contentment as her right shoulder begins to jerk back and forth in a rhythmic pattern.

Holy shit. She’s touching herself.

The movement of the water grows more chaotic, bubbles spilling onto the floor, and Karli’s knees just spread wider. Her face scrunches up and her back arches, causing her tight nipples to peek above the bubbles. Frantic noises jump from her lips now, the feminine sounds wrapping around my cock.

Move, feet. Move now.

Panicking, I jolt backward, trying to get out of the room. But because I’m a tired, awkward oaf, I bump into the wall behind me. The decorative canvas painting on the wall pops off its nail and hits the floor with a crack.

Karli’s eyes shoot open. They grow wider when she sees me standing there, shirt unbuttoned, staring at her. But by now, she’s in the throes of her orgasm and it’s too late for her to stop.
