Page 71 of Wild Thing

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The second her back touches the counter, I’m kissing my way down her body, making sure to lavish her shoulders, her breasts and her stomach with my attention.

“Oh god…” she whimpers when my kisses continue going southbound.

I press my hand on her stomach to keep her flat on the countertop for me. My mouth is virtually watering as I lower my face to her wet pussy. It’s glistening in the dim glow of the light above the stove.

“Wrap these sexy legs around my face, Karli,” I command, and she drapes her shaking thighs over my back. My knees are virtually shaking too. She smells so fucking good. I want this so much. That’s the only thing I can think about right now. “Can’t wait to eat this pussy up,” I hear myself mumbling as I kiss the crease of her thigh.

Fuck common sense. Fuck morals. I’m fueled by testosterone now and the primitive urge to make this woman come all over my mouth.

I don’t hesitate one second longer. I circle her clit with my tongue. I feel the way her thighs tense on my shoulders so I fucking do it again.

“Mason…” she says, throaty and low. “Oh, yes. Oh.”

Her hips grind against the counter. Her legs tighten around my face. And I’d be happy to die right here. But not right now, though. First, I’m on a mission to get her off. Preferably, two or three times.

I dip my tongue into her throbbing hole, using my fingers to play her clit like an instrument. “I fucking love the way you taste.”

“Then keep eating me,” she pleads, her greedy hands grabbing a claw-ful of my hair. “Keep licking me until I come.”

“No intention of stopping, baby.” I give her clit a pull between my lips. “You’re gonna come so fucking hard for me. You hear me?” I want her to comehard.I want her to shatter the windows from screaming my name.

She makes an inaudible sound, riding my mouth. When I dive back in, kissing and sucking her pussy, she really starts to tremble. I bare down, doubling my efforts. My tongue whirling faster. My lips pressing harder. My fingers probing deeper.

“I’m coming…” Karli announces, seemingly shocked by the announcement as she holds onto my hair for dear life.

Her orgasm floods my face, sticky and sweet and perfect. I lap that stuff up like it’s got miracle properties. Fuck, it probably does. I’ve never tasted anything so sweet.

When I’ve had my fill, I stumble back, heart hammering as I drag my forearm across my drenched mouth and chin.

So damn satisfying.

Karli lies on the counter, chest heaving and legs pressed together as she recovers. She’s a gorgeous sight to see all vulnerable and flushed from head to toe.

But when our eyes connect, the fog of lust is gone from her gaze. Her guilty conscience is coming back. I can see it. Meanwhile, my own remorse comes slithering out of the gutter, grabbing me by the ankle to pull me down into a cesspool of shame.

What the hell did we just do?! Dammit.

Legs still pressed together, Karli slithers off of the counter. I leap forward to catch her before her weak knees betray her and leave her flat on the ground.

“Oh…I…thanks.” She won’t make eye contact. In fact, she crosses her arms over her chest, her blue peepers darting around the floor.

“Here.” I snatch her towel off the ground.

She eagerly wraps herself in it but I can tell she still feels as naked as ever.

“Karli, I…”

Her eyes finally meet mine, shame dripping from those pretty blue irises.

Who am I kidding? There’s nothing either of us can say. We both knew this was wrong and we did it anyway. What excuses are there to make?

Karli just pulls in a breath, filling her chest to the brim. “Goodnight, Mason,” she mumbles, her voice broken.

I stand there with my dick hard, watching as she hobbles off toward the stairs, head hung with our disgraced roommate treaty clinging to the sole of her foot. “Goodnight.”


