Page 135 of Beautiful Chaos

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“Then we heard Roe threaten to cut his tongue out of his mouth,” Kade adds proudly. Well apparently, I wasn’t the only one not thrilled about it. Good for our girl. She’s her momma’s daughter, standing up for herself like that.


Normal level of psycho, you don’t have to change for these idiots.


You know their normal level is still pretty insane by any other person’s standards right?


Yes Daddy, that’s the point.

Baby Girl

Oh. I’m excited.


See you when you get home from work.

I’m suddenly less inclined to try and stop the psychos from harassing some fifteen-year-olds. Seems like they may deserve it after all. I trade looks with Declan, who shrugs. We won’t participate, doesn’t mean we won’t enjoy watching the fall out.

Scar has a wicked gleam in her eye that promises trouble. I wonder if Roe knows the can of worms she just opened. She starts a low conversation with Luca and the rest of us move to the side of the gym as we watch her.

“One hundred bucks she goes full crazy tonight,” Ryder says.

Declan scoffs, “She’s grown out of that.”

We all give him exasperated looks and he waves us off. “Okay, of course she hasn’t. But she won’t go full throttle on some fucking fifteen-year-olds.”

“I think I agree with D,” I hum. “She’s crazy but she won’t go all out for kids.”

Kade shakes his head. “I’m in. I’m betting full assassin gear. Tats on display, suited up with blades and at least one gun.”

I roll my eyes. “They’re just kids,” I argue.

Kade shrugs. “Kids bullying our daughter.”

I clench my jaw. I don’t think Scar will go that far, but the reminder kind of makes me hope she will. Roe has been honest about her troubles at school, but she seems to have a handle on it. Though I’m curious how it’s led to this. “Still kids.” But my argument is only half-hearted.

“Just so we’re all on the same page,” Jade drawls, throwing her gloves down at our feet. “Roe’s bringing three of her bullies tonight? Bullies that are also boys? To our family party? Tonight?”

I nod. “That’s the gist of it.”

She trades looks with Ian and chuckles. “So, who’s going to tell the twins?”

My mouth drops open. Can’t believe I forgot about that part of it. The twins are extremely protective over her. Even more so than Trevor who’s at school with her.

Ian rolls his lips. “Okay, hear me out. Maybe, we don’t tell them?”

“Oh, I like surprises,” Scar chirps. “Someone should bring popcorn.”

I huff a laugh. I still can’t believe our little Roe has grown up enough to be bringing boys home.

Let the chaos ensue.
