Page 64 of Beautiful Chaos

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I click my tongue as I watch her preparing. “He likes to pull out teeth when he tortures people,” I tell her conversationally.

“Oh yeah?”

I hum as I nod, even though she isn’t looking at me. “Tried it once,” I admit. “When I was killing that senator and framing him.” I shrug as I remember that kill. It wasn’t as sweet as this one will be. “It was kind of fun. Messy though, not as satisfying as I thought it would be. I probably wouldn’t do it again but it was worth trying.” Romano pales behind the gag and I can’t help but smile over that reaction.

We always knew he was going to be easier to break than William. Romano never expected to be in a position like this. If he was smart, he would have killed himself before we ever got our hands on him. But he’s too much of a coward for that. Always having other people do his dirty work, never really getting his hands dirty. I’m not even sure if he knows how.

Cunning. Ruthless. Greedy. A businessman. Those are the things that made him successful. Not his strength or loyalty or bravery. No, he doesn’t have any of the things you really need to be able to keep your mouth shut when under torture. He’ll be easy to break.

“I think I’m going to pass on that,” Rachel answers lightly.

Declan stands directly behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders and squeezing gently. Instinctively, I lean into his touch, resting against his chest and allowing him to encase me in his arms.

A sigh escapes, just loud enough for him to hear. The abundance of energy that’s been ravaging through me settles just a little bit in his arms. Just enough for me to think clearly again. To feel more in control. We’re too close for me to forget who I am. Who I’ve forged myself into. I don’t lose control. I can’t afford to change that here. Not when answers are so close.

Who raped me?

Who tortured me?

Who ruined my life?

How did they know to go after the club?

Why did Alec have to die?

Romano knows all that and more. We just need to pry the answers out of him. Good thing, we can have so much fun while doing that.

Rachel leans down and pulls something long and slender from her bag. It takes me a moment to realize it’s a cattle prod. She brandishes it in front of him, letting him get a good look before she stabs the prongs against his neck. His body convulses under her touch as the voltage shocks through his system.

“I’m more of a minimal effort, maximum impact, kind of girl.” Her smirk is full of savagery and vengeance. She looks powerful as stands over him, hitting him again with the prod before he’s even stopped trembling from the first shock.

Ryder whistles as he watches her go at him again and again in the same spot. Moving away briefly before hitting him again back where she started. The acrid smell of urine burns through the air. Now we’re getting somewhere.

Romano’s face flushes red as tears and sweat pour down his face. He pants heavily, struggling to catch his breath as she backs away.

“I think he might be ready to answer some questions. What do you think?” Rachel asks.

I push away from Declan as I move to stand by her side and he lets me go, his arms falling back down to his sides. “Did you know we were going to attack the auction?”

“Of course not, you stupid bitch,” he pants, the words coming out thready. “You ruined everything with that stunt. If I knew I would have put a bullet between-” His words are harshly cut off in a scream as Rachel hits him again with the prod. This time in the dick.

“We don’t need a fucking monologue,” she hisses. “Did you know? Yes or fucking no?”

He shakes his head rapidly.

We trade looks and I see my own thoughts reflected in her eyes. If he knew it was going to happen, he would have stopped it before we had a chance to pull it off. It wouldn’t have gone off as perfectly as it did had he had any inkling.

Rachel crosses her arms in front of her chest, as she studies Romano. He shifts uncomfortably in the chair, but is tied too tightly to really achieve much movement. Sweat drips down his forehead and into his eyes, making him squint as he tries to meet my eyes.

“Where were you that day?” Rachel asks, lifting the prod, but holding off on using it.

He sucks in air, fear palpable in the air around him. “Why does it matter?” Wrong answer. I grin, knowing what’s coming without Rachel ever having to make a move. His shriek of pain is music to my ears as she hits him with the prod again.

“Want to try again?” I taunt him.

A different kind of pain enters his eyes. “I was looking for Ciar.”

I can’t help but laugh. “You found him, alright.” His gaze hardens on mine and he begins shaking the seat as he fights to be freed from his restraints. No doubt to wrap his hands around my throat and squeeze the life out of me.
