Page 108 of Melinda's Choice

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I look at him in surprise. “How did you know?”

“News of your interest in her has spread far and wide. I merely put two and two together.”

“I see. And as to taking over my duties. Do you feel ready to do so?”

He hesitates. “I had hoped for more sun rotations to hone my skills.”

I nod. “I know, and I am sorry for that. But would it be possible, with my guidance and mentorship, to have you ready for the position?”

He frowns in concentration. “I believe it is possible, yes.”

I blow out a relieved breath. “And you do not mind becoming sicortar?”

“It is a great honor and privilege.”

“This life comes at a cost though. Not having a mate may seem unimportant when you are young and surrounded by nubile drashas, but with age, it becomes a lonely existence.”

His eyes are full of gentle understanding. “I begin to see why the matter is urgent for you, but as for me… my circumstances are a little different. I have four wonderful drashas, but one of them, Filonesa, is my mate in everything but name.”

At my look of surprise, he goes on to explain. “I have loved Filonesa since we were at school together. When my gift was discovered, she decided to stay on with me as my drasha and accept that I would require sexual release with other females. Her only stipulation was that she should be involved in the selection of the drashas, and that I should only have children with her. We are now parents to two young children, and we live together as mates. My other drashas are housed separately, and I only consort with them during holy trances in the temple. This arrangement works well for us. Could you not do something similar with your Human?”

“I am afraid not. She has demanded absolute fidelity from me, and more than anything, I wish to grant her this.”

“Very well. In that case, I will try my best to help you grant that wish.”

“I am deeply grateful, Melistor.”

“How would you like to proceed?”

Over the next few beats, I brief him on the matter at hand, starting at the beginning with the theft of the boral crystals, and ending with my scans last night. He listens attentively, and when I come to the end of my tale, says, “So you wish me to scan this malevolent person and absorb his evil energy.”

“Yes. I will guide and observe you as best I can.”

He considers the matter, his brows knitted in a frown. “If the person is as malevolent as you say, then I should have at least three drashas with me during my trance.”

“That would be advisable, yes. I suspect you will feel a greater than usual urge to fuck the evil out of you.”

He gets to his feet. “Excuse me Kirimor, while I go speak with Filonesa and ask her to ready my drashas for the ceremony.”

He exits the room, returning half a beat later. “All are ready, Kirimor. Let us reconvene in the temple.”

I rise to my feet and follow him out the door, down the path to the temple. There, I see Filonesa, the drasha who served our refreshments, and two other young women. They bow respectfully as we enter, and go take their positions across from us. Melistor opens a box of boral crystals and rummages through it, looking for the most appropriate crystal to use. After a time, he takes one out and shows it to me. “Think you this will suffice?”

I examine the crystal closely. It is a nice size and a good deep color. “Yes, this one will do nicely.”

Filonesa approaches us with an incense burner, placing it at her partner’s feet, then withdraws with a bow. I take out my communicator and show Melistor the name of the person we will be scanning. “You will find him in the northern sector, in the Dilka neighborhood.” I open a map of the area and pinpoint where I located him last night. “Let your mind wander there and call out his name. Once you locate him, let all your energy focus on him and him only. Take time to study his aura and feel the malevolence leeching out of him. When you are ready, begin to aspirate the energy towards you. Focus on your breathing throughout and do not stop until the entirety of the evil energy has entered you. After that, you will need to exert supreme control to clamp down on it. This will be the hardest part. I will enter the trance with you and observe, without interference. However, I may provide some support if you struggle with keeping a tight hold on the evil once it is inside you. I can erect a stabilizing field around you to stop it creeping out of you. Are you ready?”

Melistor takes a deep breath and nods. I place the boral crystal on the burner and watch as it heats and deepens in color. Then, I begin to chant a prayer to our goddess Taya. Once I am done, we remain quiet while we each enter the trance. I watch him in my mind as he travels to the location and searches for our man. I spot our target quickly, but it takes Melistor a quarter beat more to locate him. That is not a problem. With practice, he will locate targets more rapidly.

I watch as Melistor focuses his attention on the individual, studying the vile aura of this man. I know the moment when he is ready. With a big, mighty breath in, he begins to aspirate the evil towards him. I shudder as I watch this malevolence approach us. It is of the darkest kind. Slowly, it begins to enter Melistor. I feel him tremble and shake, but he keeps going, absorbing every last trace of it into his body. Now, he needs to clamp down tight on it and not let it escape. I sense Melistor struggle with the evil power that has entered his body. He is unable to contain it.

With a deep breath, I come to his aid, erecting a stabilizing field around him that sends the vicious energy that is trying to escape back inside him. Through our mind connection, I speak to him, “You are doing fine, Melistor. Now take it one step at a time. Break up that evil, bit by bit. I will not let any of it escape you.”

He starts breaking up each wave of evil energy. Some waves escape his body, but I send them right back with the force of my stabilizing field. I sense the effort he is putting into the task. It is draining work, but he continues bravely. I believe he will make a brilliant sicortar one day. I hold my position around him and wait patiently as he attacks each bit of evil that has entered him. It takes a long time to do, but eventually, the work is done.

I hear him growl ferociously as he comes out of his trance. He rips off his loin cloth, howling in rage, and falls upon the drasha closest to him. Without any preliminaries, he pierces her with his engorged cock and begins to fuck in rough, hard thrusts. Fortunately, the drashas were prepared for this eventuality and had rubbed lubricating ointment on themselves beforehand, else I would dread to think what pain they would be in. I hesitate, not wanting to leave while he is in such a raging state. However, Filonesa addresses me, “It is fine, sicortar, you may leave now. I can handle him. I have advanced martial training for this very purpose. I will ensure nobody gets hurt.”

“You are sure?”
