Page 156 of Melinda's Choice

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“We are going down to the beach for a swim.”

“That’s nice.”

I smile and drink some more of my coffee. It is not quite as satisfying as a hot cup ofnari,which is my usual preference in the mornings, but I am getting to appreciate the taste of it. “I was thinking, my lovely, about our future living arrangements. I believe, after all that has happened, that it would be preferable for us to live in this cabin permanently rather than build a private apartment for ourselves in the main house. What do you think of extending this place so there are rooms enough for the children, should they wish to sleep here?”

“I think that’s a great idea. I’ve always loved this place. I think I would definitely prefer to live here.”

“Then that is what we shall do.” I lean over to kiss her. “Now, put on a loin cloth and let us go down to the beach.”

A beat later, our drone drops us off on the edge of the powdery white sand. I take her hand in mine. “Come, my lovely.”

Together we walk into the clear warm sea until it is up to Melinda’s shoulders. “Mmm, this was a lovely idea, Kirimor.”

“There is more.” I whistle three times the agreed signal. Melinda looks on, puzzled. A moment later, I see Turi’s dark gray form approach us.

“Oh, what’s that?” cries Melinda.

I pull her to me. “Do not fret. It is my friend, Turi. She is come to give us a ride.”

Turi nudges us gently and looks at us with her intelligent eyes. “Melinda, meet Turi.”

She smiles in wonder. “Hello Turi.”

Turi whistles in response.

“She is telling us to climb on board,” I say. I lift Melinda on top of Turi’s back, then climb aboard behind her. With another whistle, Turi dives forward and begins whizzing through the waves. Melinda shrieks with joy as we travel at high speed in the water, feeling it splash our faces.

“This is great!”

I smile as she cries out again in excited pleasure. We travel like this for a few beats, enjoying the wind in our faces and cutting through the waves at top speed. Eventually, Turi loops around and returns us to the beach where we started. We get down, laughing joyfully.

Melinda strokes Turi’s smooth back. “Thank you Turi. I had such fun!”

Turi whistles in response.

“Thank you old friend. Peace be with you.” With a final whistle, Turi dives in the water and disappears into the distance.

Melinda beams at me. “That was incredible! Thank you for thinking of it.”

“Actually, I must give credit to Kirishar. It was his idea.”

“Then I definitely need to thank him.”

I pull her to me. “Happy?”

“Very happy.”

“Good.” And then I kiss her.



Ten years later

As our aircraft approaches the western shores of Lirisor, we all look out the windows, eager for our first glimpse of this island paradise. Kirimela is the first to catch sight of it. “Over there!” she calls excitedly.

Our eyes all follow where she’s pointing. Towards the horizon of the seemingly endless expanse of turquoise sea below us, we see a strip of land. The shuttle which has transported us from Torbreg, the Venorian capital where we first landed a day ago, begins its descent, swooping gently towards that sandy shore.
