Page 30 of Melinda's Choice

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I huff and don’t answer. After a while, Dylan gently prompts me again. “Break the cycle, Wyatt. You know the saying. Shit or get off the pot. It’s crude but fitting.”

I snort. “You calling me indecisive?”

“If the shoe fits…”

I ignore him and focus on finishing my beer, taking a long gulp of the cool amber liquid. I put the empty bottle down on the floor by my feet, thinking irritably about my situation. “So, you’re saying I should start dating again, put Mel out of my mind? I’ve tried that. Didn’t work.”

“Well, you’re going to have to make it work. Finally let go of Mel and actually invest in other relationships. Don’t give me crap about it being impossible. There are other people out there who you could be happy with, but it’s not going to happen as long as you’re still stuck on your ex. Come on, Wyatt. Take decisive action.”

“And what would you suggest, oh wise one.”

Dylan ignores my smart talk and ploughs on. “For starters, sell the house and get your own place. Stop seeing her each time she comes back. Stop communicating. Just stop with everything and move on.”

I busy myself peeling the label on the second bottle I’ve just picked up from the cooler.

“I can’t,” I mumble in a low voice.

“What’s that you say?”

“I said I fucking can’t!”

“Can’t or won’t?”

I look at my older brother in disgust. “Has anyone ever told you just how annoying a person you are?”

He sits up, puffing out his chest proudly. “It’s part of the job description. Older brothers are duty bound to annoy their younger siblings.”

“Yeah, well mission accomplished.”

We sit in silence for a time, contemplating. But Dylan is nothing if not persistent. “So why can’t you move on? What is it that’s impeding your progress forward?”

I stare at the expanse of trees ahead, tall shadows in the dim light. “I love her. Plain and simple. If I could choose again who I want to spend my life with, it would still be her.”

Dylan heaves out a long sigh. “Ok then, if moving on is not an option, do the opposite.” At my look, he clarifies. “Whatever it is you need to do to be with her. Just do it.”

I glare at him. “You know it’s not that simple right?”

“Actually, it is. Just make a choice, Wyatt, and go for it.”

“It would mean…” I sigh in exasperation. “It’s not that easy.”

Dylan grunts in annoyance. “I didn’t say it was easy, only that it’s a simple choice. Go be with her or don’t. If you want her so much, just fucking get your shit together and do it.”

“It would mean leaving everything behind. She’s not coming back to Earth you know, not for a very long time.”

“I know. Look, I’m the last one wanting to see you go. You’re my only brother and I’ll miss you, you little shit. Not to mention Sam and Nicky. But I’m also fed up with seeing you so damn miserable.”

“It would mean flying, in space.”

“I’m well aware.”

I blow out a breath. “How do I fucking do it?”

“How do smokers give up cigarettes? How do alcoholics give up alcohol? They make a decision to do it. They get help and support. They take it one day at a time. You kinda have to do the same thing.”

He takes out his communicator and swipes it a few times. “I’ve been waiting a long time to give you this. I think you might finally be ready. It’s the name and contact of a guy who can help you with the flying thing. He comes well recommended. If you’re serious about this, then give him a try.”

“I’ve tried therapists.”
