Page 35 of Melinda's Choice

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Her eyes turn to me, and I detect a faint flush on her face. “Yes, we did on the day of our arrival, but we were not properly introduced. Sicortar, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Melinda Garcia.”

She comes to stand before me and raises a hand to my chest. There is a slight tremble to it, which only I notice. Looking deeply into her eyes, I place my hand flat on her chest, feeling her rapid heartbeat. The flush on her face deepens. As I step back and bow, I am surprised to realize that my pulse is also racing. My tail gives an involuntary sway towards her, brushing lightly against her ankles up to her knees. In an instant, I regain control and bring it back down.

“Melinda, the pleasure is mine.” At the sound of my voice, her breath hitches ever so slightly.

We take our seats on the floor cushions, the Earth female—Melinda—to my left. As she gracefully crosses her legs and arranges the drapes of her dress, I lean a little towards her and inhale her fragrance. The notes of her aroma are different to those of my people. I scent something floral, maybe a tonic she has dabbed on her neck, and beneath that, the real essence of her. I breathe it in. There is a sweetness to it that draws me in, and beneath that, a unique female musk. I inhale and want more of that drugging essence.

My eyes focus on the graceful lines of her neck and the smooth, pale honey of her skin. My keen vision detects the pulse there that beats rapidly still. I feel a sudden urge to lick her right there and then to take that soft flesh between my teeth. My cock swells in anticipation. Goddess Taya! What is happening? I use the discipline honed over many sun rotations to force my breaths to slow and deepen. With an effort, I bring my focus back to the conversation.

Melinda is thanking Denishar for the warm welcome the Humans have received on our planet and is expressing her hope that this mission will lead to greater understanding and cooperation between our people.

“That is our hope too,” replies Denishar. “I have learned something of your people’s history, and it seems we have things in common.”

“Yes, I have been struck by that too,” agrees Melinda. “I was most interested to hear about how your ancestors were forced to leave your home planet after its environment became too toxic to sustain life. We on Earth have had similar challenges. The uncontrolled emissions of greenhouse gases over many decades has caused our planet’s temperature to rise and created many environmental issues for us, such as flooding and more severe weather conditions.”

That captures my attention. “Will this cause an unstoppable spiral that will result in your people needing to evacuate your planet?”

Her gaze finds mine. “I don’t believe so. Climate change has created many challenges for us, but one of the defining characteristics of humanity is our ability to adapt and innovate. In the last three decades, especially after the Great Flood of 2069, our nations have come together, putting aside their differences to find workable solutions. We have been able to successfully mitigate the worst of the effects of climate change, though we still face many challenges.”

“I believe it was our ancestors’ inability to adapt that caused our great exodus, but we here on Krovatia have learned the lessons of our past well. Maintaining the delicate eco-balance of our environment is one of our most important guiding principles.”

Melinda’s eyes sparkle with interest. “I would welcome the opportunity to learn about how Krovatian society goes about maintaining this delicate eco-balance. We have so much to learn from you, but this isn’t one way traffic.” Here her face takes on a determined expression. “Despite not being as technologically advanced in the area of space travel, we humans have had great success in developing innovative technologies to help solve the problems we have faced, such as Artificial Intelligence. I believe we have useful information to share with your people about how we have tackled the environmental challenges on Earth.”

I am mesmerized by the fire in her eyes as she speaks of her people’s achievements. This close, I can see they are a rich brown with flecks of a darker bronze tone. They shimmer like a fine jewel in the light. I am also captivated by the undoubted courage this female exhibits. Here she is, on an unknown planet far from her world, meeting its leaders for the very first time, valiantly standing her ground and telling us in no uncertain terms that we have just as much to gain from this information exchange as they do.

I am so lost in my appreciation of her that I forget to reply. I stare into her face as her expression morphs, very subtly, from defiant confidence to mild hesitance. It is one of my great gifts as sicortar to command respect and awe with my searing gaze. I have, without being aware of it, been giving her the look that sends most others scurrying into submission. I expect her to bow her head in deference, but instead, she lifts her chin stubbornly and matches me stare for stare. What a remarkable female! No wonder she has inspired envy in others of her kind.

It falls to Denishar to answer in my place. “Indeed, Melinda, we look forward to such a fruitful information exchange. A good place to start would be for you to visit our Ministry for the Environment and begin a dialogue with officials there. I will instruct them to contact you with an appointment.”

“Thank you, Denishar. I agree that would be a good place to start. However, we should not limit ourselves to just this. It would be useful if we could establish contact with all your government ministries in due course.”

There she goes again, not limiting herself to what is being offered but asking for more. A fascinating female. Denishar inclines his head. “Of course, we will make arrangements for this. We would also like to invite you all to a banquet that will be held in honor of our alien visitors in a quarter moon’s rotation.”

“We greatly look forward to it, Denishar. Thank you.”

“It is my pleasure and honor, Melinda.”

He rises to his feet, the meeting over, and we all take our cue from him, coming to a standing too.

“Go in peace,” says Denishar.

Melinda responds in kind, then she turns in my direction. Her face becomes a fraction rosier as she looks at me. “Go in peace, Melinda,” I tell her, my eyes never leaving hers.

“Go in peace.”

A moment later, she is ushered out. Denishar indicates that I should sit myself down again. “So, Kirimor. What did you think?”

I am not about to share my private thoughts about Melinda with him. Instead, I go with, “I believe there is potential here for some genuinely fruitful collaboration between our people. If, as she said, the Humans have found innovative ways to tackle their environmental challenges, then these are things that will be of interest to us. Let us develop the dialogue further and see where it takes us. We can of course, continue to be cautious.”

“I think you may be right, my friend. I thank you for your presence here today and your wise words.”

“It is always my pleasure and honor, Denishar.” I stand to take my leave. “Go in peace.”

“Go in peace, Kirimor.”

On the journey back to my home, my mind is filled with thoughts of the Earth female. I cannot wait to encounter her again.

Chapter 15
