Page 48 of Melinda's Choice

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“Yes, I saw. How about you? Thinking of having some fun with the son?”

He shakes his head. “Nah. He’s gorgeous and sweet and lovely, but not the kind of guy for a fling. And he’s young. Only twenty-two.”

“He seems very enamored of you.”

He scratches his salt and pepper stubble. Troy is something of a silver fox. “All the more reason to steer well clear.”

Just then, Avery walks in, yawning loudly. “Morning all.”


“You talking about the hot priest and the even hotter son?”

“What else?”

She comes to sit beside us. “And your verdict?”

“They’re hot, but we’re keeping our distance,” I say.

She tuts. “Shame. I’d nail them both if I had the chance.”

I hear a laugh behind me, and Treylor waltzes into the kitchen looking bright eyed.

“You are talking about the good looking sicortar and his son, are you not?”

I sigh. “Anyone else want to join this discussion?”

Pravol emerges through the door, raising his brows. “I take it you are all discussing the Krovatian priest and his handsome son.”

“Naturally,” I say with a laugh. On a serious note, I ask, “Did everyone notice us yesterday?”

Pravol comes to sit beside his mate and kisses the top of her head. “It was hard for anyone not to notice.”

“Oh damn. What are people going to say about me?” I’m all too aware of the importance of my mission here. Please God I haven’t messed things up on my first week on this planet.

Treylor places a reassuring hand on my arm. “Do not worry Melinda. From what I heard, people are most impressed with you. The sicortar is not known for paying attention to females outside his household. They think you must be something special to have captured his interest.”

I blush. “I didn’t do anything. All I did was try to help myself to some food, but he wouldn’t let me, and when I protested, he simply tied me up with his tail. I was spitting mad, I can tell you.”

“Really? From what I saw, you were something the opposite of mad.”

“Oh shit.”

“Treylor is right. You do not need to worry,” interjects Pravol. “Gaining the sicortar’s attention has earned you considerable admiration among the Krovatians I spoke to last night.”

“There you go,” smiles Troy. “You’ve become a superstar already.”

Treylor stands. “I am about to make somejoh. Would anyone like some?”

Joh, I have discovered, is a hot Venorian beverage, similar to a chai latte.

“Ooh, yes please,” clamor Troy and Avery together.

I stand. “No thanks Treylor. I think I’ll go get dressed. The hot young Krovatian will be with us in a quarter of an hour.”

“What are you planning to wear to this water city?” Troy asks.

“My red bikini, if you really want to know.”
