Page 50 of Melinda's Choice

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He considers her for a moment. “It has been several moon rotations since we last went there, and I admit you are much grown since then. How about this? Once we are at the top, you lie on my belly, and I wrap you up in my tail?”

She nods vigorously. “Yes, please!”

“Very well.”

As he says this, I feel the drone begin its descent. I look out the window and see before me an almost endless expanse of blue, dotted with the green of potted trees. It’s like a massive oasis in the middle of a desert.

The drone touches the ground in a large drone park and Kiristen taps the engine off. He turns to us with a smile. “Ready?”

We all nod.

“Then let us go!”

We hop out and make our way towards the large entrance. We enter a whitewashed domed building, in the traditional Krovatian architectural style, and are greeted by a sales assistant standing at the counter. She looks at us curiously, but doesn’t say anything except to ask how many entrance tickets we require. At this, Kiristen takes out his communicator to pay our entrance fees.

Troy stops him with a hand to his arm. “Kiristen, we can pay our way.”

We brought a large supply of international credits with us, which we have changed to the local currency, so we are well able to pay. However, Kiristen refuses our offer. “No, you are my guests. Please, I insist.” And he taps his communicator, completing the transaction.

The assistant ushers us through to a large foyer. She points towards a set of cabins up ahead. “You may remove shoes and clothing and place them in secure boxes over there. When you are ready, please walk into the sun spray room to get your protection. Ensure your eyes are firmly closed while the spray is in operation.” She taps a map on her console to show us where we are. “This is the beginning of the water course. Follow the arrows to make your journey through the city. When you get to this sector here, you may pause your journey to get refreshments and use the facilities. Your entrance fee entitles you to an endless supply of free nari drinks and a choice of snacks to eat. Are you all confident swimmers?”

We nod. She looks at Kiritela. “And this young one?”

Kiritela pipes up indignantly. “Of course I can swim!”

The assistant smiles. “Well, then off you go and enjoy yourselves!”

We walk towards the cabins in question, and I quickly remove my beach dress, under which I’m wearing my bikini. My slim, waterproof communicator is tucked discreetly into a zipped pouch on the bottom part of my bikini. I place all my belongings into one of the boxes and lock it with my security code. When I head back out, I find everyone ready and waiting. Avery, as promised, is topless, baring pert white breasts which the young children are staring at curiously. Troy inspects me in my red bikini. “So, not going to let us see your gorgeous tits?”

I give him a look and shake my head.

Kiristen addresses me earnestly. “Melinda, may I say something? It would be an honor if you could trust me to be your companion and protector today. I will not let any harm come to you or allow any disrespectful behavior towards you. Please will you let us see just how beautiful you are under these coverings. Breasts are a natural and wonderful part of a female’s body, and we admire their beauty greatly. Even though I am more partial to the male body, I enjoy and appreciate the sight of a fine female such as you.” He places his hands on my shoulders, touching the halter neck ties of my top. “Please, will you let me remove this?”

I can’t resist the earnest plea in his eyes. I guess I will stick out if I’m the only one covering my breasts. “Ok,” I murmur.

He smiles sweetly, then carefully unties my top and lets it slip away. He takes a moment to study my bared breasts unabashedly. He looks back up at me. “It is as I thought. You are beautiful.”

I glow at the praise. I’ve never been topless before, but there’s no room for embarrassment or shame when all I can see is kind and honest appreciation of my naked form.

Troy wolf whistles. “He’s right. These are magnificent tits you’ve been hiding. Even super gay me can appreciate the sight.”

“Ok, so, moving on.”

Troy winks. “Let’s go!”

First, we enter the spray room, a large white cubicle with a red button on the wall which you press when you are ready. I shut my eyes and press it, feeling a warm spray of liquid all over my body. Within moments, the colorless liquid dries and adheres to the skin. Then, we’re out the door and walking under a high arch, framed with tall palms whose dark green fronds cast a welcome shade in the heat of the day.

Before us is the start of the water course. It’s a long, river-like pool that undulates and continues as far as the eye can see. This water city is massive, and it looks like we’ll be going on quite a long journey in the water. Ahead of us, a small family of Krovatians are already jumping in with a splash and swimming away.

“As you can see,” says Kiristen, “it is a very long water course which we shall be following. But do not worry. There are currents built into the water to assist us on our journey, so if your body tires of swimming, simply lie on your back and let the current drive you forward. There are invisible buffers on each side of the pool, so you do not run any risk of bumping your head. It is actually a very relaxing thing to lie back in the water and feel the current under you pushing you along.”

He turns to his sister. “Kiritela, I am going to wrap my tail around your ankle the whole time. That way, I can make sure you do not get lost.”

She’s about to protest, but one look at her brother’s set face changes her mind. “Yes, Kiristen,” she replies docilely.

We approach the edge of the pool and Kirishar cries, “Let us all jump in together on the count of three. One, two, three!”

And we all jump in. The water is cool and fresh on my heated skin, making it come out in goosebumps. Looking around me, I see the pool is immaculately clean, with no hint of any debris or algae. Troy reads my thoughts and points to little filter vents that run all along the sides of the pool. “That looks like one heck of a filtration system. I’d love to take a look at the schematics.”
