Page 52 of Melinda's Choice

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Tears prickle in my eyes, but I hold them at bay. This is not the time or place to have a crying fit. A few more breaths and I finally feel able to step back and smile at the concerned faces beside me. “I’m alright now, thanks you all.”

“Do you feel ready to continue?” asks Kiristen. “If not, I can call for a drone to take you forward to the rest stop. It is located at the bottom of the tall waterway.”

“No, please don’t. I’m fine now. Let’s go.”

Troy goes first, lying flat on his back with his arms crossed on his chest, pushing off with a whoop of delight. Avery goes next, then Kirishar. His older brother looks across at me. “Are you ready to go now, Melinda?”

I nod and get into position, then with a deep breath in, push off. With the water churning around me, I fly down the slope, shrieking in happy surprise. This is fun, exciting and not a bit frightening. On and on I whoosh down the slide until I drop into the pool with a loud splash. I stand and shake the water out of my eyes, looking for my companions. I find them a little further ahead, waving to catch my attention. I wave back and swim towards them. A moment later, we’re joined by Kiristen and an excitable Kiritela, chattering on about how much she loved the slide.

We make our way out of the pool and dry ourselves with fresh towels, handed to us by an attendant. Kiristen locates an empty table in the shade of a large palm frond and quickly guides us towards it. He taps on the computer console a few times to order our drinks and snacks, and we take the opportunity to sit back and relax after our adventurous journey through the waterway.

It's then I become conscious once again of the fact that I am topless. I’d forgotten about my state of undress during the excitement and thrills in the water, but now, feeling the curious stares of the Krovatians sitting around us, I begin to feel self-conscious. I cross my arms in front of my chest, then recognize the futility of that gesture and bring them down again.

Kiristen observes this and angles his large body in front of mine to shield me from the view of prying eyes. He smiles kindly. “Do not mind them, Melinda. They, like me, are full of admiration for your beauty.” His eyes travel to my exposed breasts. “The coolness of the water has made your teats pucker up beautifully. And their dark color is in sharp contrast with the pale gold of your skin. It is no wonder others are staring. They cannot help admiring you.”

I look down at myself and find that my nipples are indeed distended and hard, jutting out darkly against the creamy, pale skin of my breasts that have never before been exposed to the sun. I feel myself blush at the praise and the unashamed attention on my naked body. Such frankness is not something I’m used to.

“Thanks,” I mumble.

Troy grins at me. “I second every word he said, gorgeous lady. You have nothing to feel embarrassed about. Flaunt it girl!” He nods his head towards Avery, who is sitting entirely at ease. “It’s not every day that I say this, but be more like Avery. Look at her, easy in her skin and proud of her body. You should be too.”

I’ve never thought of myself as particularly beautiful, and my small breasts, though well-formed and pert, have not inspired much attention, except from Wyatt. It’s a novel sensation to be the object of such unabashed admiration.

I’m distracted by Kiritela, who jumps into my lap and wraps her arms about me. “You are very pretty,” she says.

I smile and hug her warm little body. “And so are you.”

“I am hungry,” she responds.

“Food will be here soon,” Kiristen reassures her.

He sits close to Troy, and I see his tail flapping from side to side, stroking Troy’s thigh. My colleague doesn’t seem to mind in the least. Hmm, I wonder how long Troy is going to resist Kiristen’s advances. I give it a week.

Our food and drinks arrive, and we attack it ravenously, the long swim having stoked our appetites.

As we are finishing up the last few bites, Kiristen says, “The rest of the course is pleasantly fun, but there will be no more heart-pounding thrills.”

Thank God.

“First, we follow another river way, and this time, I suggest we all let the current take us forward while we relax on our backs and let our bodies digest the food we have eaten. After, that, we will arrive at the large wave pool—Kiritela’s favorite, I think.”

She yelps in delight, still tucked comfortably in my lap. I stroke the soft black strands of her hair that have escaped her braid. She refused to sit anywhere else but on my lap all through our meal, but I didn’t mind. She’s already charmed all of us with her endearing chatter.

“And then,” continues Kiristen, “once we leave the wave pool, we come to the last part of the water city. It is where we play a game of bong.”

“Bong?” asks Troy.

“Yes. It is great fun. We will split into two teams and play against each other. The object of the game is to catch the bong and throw it into the pit as many times as possible. One team defends the pit and the other tries to get the bong in. If the defending team stop the bong before it enters the pit, they get a point. If the attacking team gets the bong in the pit, then they are the ones to get a point. There are several bouncing platforms of different heights where we can position ourselves to jump up and catch or throw the bong.”

He sees my confusion and smiles. “Do not worry, the rules will become clear when we begin to play.” He stands. “Come, let us use the facilities and then be on our way.”

The rest of our journey along the water course goes as described by Kiristen. Everyone, even the adults, have fun bobbing up and down in the large wave pool. Now, we come to the game of bong.

The pit is a round piece of netting on the surface of the pool, behind which are three platforms of varying heights, which we access by climbing up a rope-like ladder. I’ve been put in the defending team, along with Kirishar and Avery. I climb up to the top platform and as I go to stand on it, I realize that it’s some kind of trampoline. Over the other side of the water pitch, Troy, Kiristen and Kiritela are bouncing on their own trampoline platforms.

An attendant releases the bong, a mid-size orange ball, into the air. It zooms about, as if it has a mind of its own. I see it approach Kiristen, and he jumps up high to bat it in the direction of the pit. If I don’t do something, his team will score a point. I watch it closely as it approaches the pit, which is right below me, and with a mighty bounce on the trampoline, I reach out to bat it back towards the other team. Unfortunately, I lose my balance and topple into the water, to the sound of chortles from Kiristen’s team. I resurface and hear Kirishar call out, “Good work, Melinda. You won us a point. Quick, get back to your platform!”

I splash my way back to the ladder and climb it as quickly as I can to get back into the game. Twenty minutes later, it ends—a victory for the opposing team, but we acquitted ourselves well, losing only by a margin of two points. I notice we’ve attracted quite an audience, as the bong pitch is set close to a lounging area for Krovatians to relax in once they’ve finished the course. As I climb out of the pool, ready for some R & R myself, I’m accosted by two male Krovatians. One of them smiles and says, “Well done, Human female! You did well in the game. Would you like to share a drink ofnariwith us?”
