Page 57 of Melinda's Choice

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I pour out two shot glasses and we clink them together. “Here’s to the beginning of my space voyages,” I say, my voice still shaky.

“Happy voyages, Wyatt. I believe you’re going to make a success of this venture, regardless of what happens between you and your ex-wife.”

I down the shot, feeling the warmth of the alcohol seep all the way down to my toes. Setting the glass back down, I look at him resolutely. “I’ll get her back, Dwight. Just you wait and see.”

That’s a promise.

Chapter 21


I come awake to the familiar weight of Kiritela sleeping atop me. Leisurely, I stretch my tail and entangle it with hers, stroking her velvety tip with mine.

“Hmm,” she murmurs sleepily.

“Blessed morning, my sweet little star.”

“Blessed morning, pa.”

Gently, I nudge her off me and bring her to lie against my side. “It is time to wake, little star, and get ready for school.”

She snuggles against me. “It is so nice and warm here. I like it.”

I rumble a laugh. “And I too, but it is time to wake nevertheless.”

She yawns. “Pa, when will we see Melinda again?”

The children came back from their outing to the water city with the Earth female full of excited chatter about beautiful Melinda, how kind she was, the good game she played at bong, her fear when climbing the tall waterway and how Kirishar bravely comforted her, and of course, the fact that my clever son Kiristen managed to convince her to bare her lovely pale breasts. I am very keen to cast my eyes—and also my mouth—on these beautiful breasts. Ever since their expedition a quarter moon rotation ago, the question of when we shall see Melinda again has been a constant refrain on my daughter’s lips. Little does she realize that I secretly ask myself that very same thing.

“We shall see,” I answer diplomatically.

“If we invite her here, I can show her how to search for plo shells,” she says plaintively.

“Perhaps. But now, it is well past time to get yourself ready. Off you go, little one, and I shall see you shortly for the breakfast repast.”

With one final nudge of encouragement, she finally rises and goes to her mother’s quarters to get herself ready for the day. I make my own morning ablutions, slip on a fresh loin cloth and shirt, then go down to the large dining room where my family gathers to eat the morning repast. My two sons, Kirishar and Kirilor, are already sitting with their mothers. Beside them sits my newest drasha, Pirofena. I go to each of them in turn to greet them with my customary morning kiss. As I take my seat, Merostena bustles in, carrying a basket of freshly bakedlam,a savory bread that it is our custom to eat in the mornings. She places it on the table next to me, then wraps a loving arm around me. “Blessed morning, Kirimor,” she says, giving me a sweet kiss on the lips.

“Blessed morning, my dear,” I respond.

She sits herself to my right, as is her custom, and we begin to eat. A short time later, Kirimara walks in, her youngest sister in tow. She slides into the seat to my left and kisses my cheek while Kiritela scampers into my lap. “Blessed morning, pa,” she murmurs.

“Blessed morning, sweet Mara. Have you seen Kiristen?”

She chuckles. “He has yet again spent the night with his new love, the Human.”

Merostena clucks beside me, “Here we go again. How long will this one last I wonder?”

“His average is two and a half moon rotations,” pipes up Kirilor helpfully.

“Given the state of his infatuation this time around, I would say it will be at least three moon rotations, if not more,” states Jalimara, his mother.

“Or even longer,” remarks Cleotola, walking into the room and coming to give me a kiss. “This Troy could be the forever one.”

I look at her in dismay. “These Humans are only on our planet for a short time. It is unrealistic to talk about them in terms of forever.”

Kirimara leans her head on my shoulder. “I know you worry pa, but I think if indeed Troy does turn out to be the one, as Kiristen claims, then they will find a way to stay together.”

“I do not want to see him made unhappy.”
